Chapter 10

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I had just gotten home from Michael's house and it was around 7. Inevitably my mother saw the hickeys and wasn't particularly mad. She was more intrigued from where they came from but I didn't wanna talk about it and she respected that or whatever. I think this is only because I'm gonna be 18 soon. It was the hardest when my younger siblings started to question me. I didn't know what the hell to say. I was so at a lose for words. It was really embarrassing. Other than that my night went swimmingly and I was definitely on cloud 9. I made out with Mikey and it definitely wasn't an accident.

The next morning me and Michael went to school together as usual. I wanted to wear something cute, because I was feeling quite confident. so I wore a tee shirt with a turtle neck to try and cover my hickeys but a skirt that I personally thought was very cute. My hair was in a bun though because I had washed it and didn't have much time to do anything so it was kinda wavey and curly ish. When I got to the train station I expected it to be kind if awkward but it wasn't.

"Hello Gorgeous. You're wearing a skirt? Trying to impress me?" he said smirking.

"Good Morning, and no just trying to get Cal's attention." I said. and I swear his eyes rolled so far to the back of his head.

"So, I see you tried to cover my marks."

"Yeah. I don't wanna be questioned all day on how I got them. And you should've thought about how many ppl you want to know, you gave them to me before you actually gave them to me."

"Hey it could've been a lot worse and as long as Calum knows I'm fine."

"But what if Aveline knows?"

He paused for a second thinking about the answer.

"Aveline doesn't really care. I mean we have more of a friends with benefits relationship than anything I guess. I mean it's by her choice." He said. He tried to laugh it off but I knew it hurt him.

"Well whatever. She's missing out on an unlimited game stop card and free cuddles whenever." I said smiling at him and he smiled back.

The rest of the ride consisted of us playing around and trying to drink as much coffe on the train so we don't waste our money. Usually I just put mine in my locker if I don't finish but Mikey says cold coffee just isn't right. When I got to school we dispersed to our friends and I started to talk to everyone and things were great until of course Bells noticed.

"Clover, where the hell did that big ass hickey come from?!" She said quite loudly.

"Shut the hell up!" I whisper shouted. "I was hanging out with Michael yesterday and things kind of isolated."

"What the hell do you mean 'things isolated'? And why didn't you tell me on the phone last night!?" Marabel said.

"I didn't want you guys to freak out okay. Just calm down I'm gonna tell you." I said

We went into Room 7 which is our homeroom and I sat down at the back as they all huddled aroun ready to listen to my story.

"Well speak damnit!" Sabrina said.

"Okay, well me and Mikey were having a tickle fight. At the end he pinned me down and started to kiss my neck. Then things started to escalate bc he was giving me hickeys and we started making out and he was touching my boobs and it felt really good but don't worry we stopped before anything happened."

"Wow well daaaamn." Bells said. "Look at you getting some you go girl."

"Does anyone else have any very important event that happened over night that they just so happened to miss?" Mara said.

"Oh yeah! Remember my hot neighbor Ashton? The one who went off to college like a year ago? Well his mom and my mom are still pretty tight and she said he's coming home this weekend." Rina said smirking.

"Well damn sleepover a Rina's house this weekend!" I shouted.

Damnit you don't understand Ashton was hot. He used to drum in this stupid band before his mom made him go to college to get at least some sort of education. But fuck he was hot. He had nice eyes and great hair and god his arms. Its funny he's coming to town right around the guy's next gig. Maybe he can help them out and be their drummer. Because they're so stupid, they forgot to actually get a drummer before they booked the gig.

The bell rang for homeroom to start so Bells scurried off to her room while the rest of us got into our seats as class begun. The day went by fine. I was a little worried that Calum was absent. I called him after school to see if he was okay and he said he just had a cold but I decided to check on him. I asked Luke if he could drive me because he knows where he lives and by default Michael came along because they were going out afterwards. Tuesday was their little Best friends guys night.

"I don't see the point in you going over he just has a damn cold. He can get over it instead of acting like such a puss." Michael said.

"Stop being so fucking rude. If she wants to go see him that her business. And he's your friend you shouldn't be a dick." Luke said. He looked back at me and nodded kinda like 'I got your back'.

I was happy Michael was here because even though me and Luke are good friends and know our boundaries I don't like being alone with him because even that makes me feel like I'm breaking the girl code because Marabel was my best friend. But part of me really wishes he would keep his asshole remarks to himself or leave. When we finally pulled up to his house Michael scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Goodbye. Don't have too much fun. As a matter of fact don't have any fun with him." Michael said.

"Fuck off Mike. Do what you want have lottsss of fun." Luke said winking as he pulled off. I laughed and walked up the few steps to his house. And rang the doorbell.

Calum came to the door. Shirtless might I add and he has a very nice body. He didn't look very sick though. He looked more tired and didnt want to go to school.

"Hey. I don't think I've ever seen you in a skirt before. But you look really nice." He said letting me in.

"Thanks I guess." I said blushing. " Oh and Hey."

We went up to his room. He had a very nice room. He had a bed in his corner, his bass, band posters, a few of women but I don't judge I guess. It was a little messy but it was a comfortable messy.

"So I was really happy when you asked to come over because I made something for you." He said.

He pulled out a little cd envelope thingy. In it was a disc that read. Songs from the car ride I'll never forget. In the cd case was also a little note, it had a little message on it that said:

"Thank you for being there and helping me. It may not seem like you did much but you did. And I hope you listen to this cd I made you closely. Even the little bits where I'm talking and saying things stupid about love. But I don't know. I hope you like it."

This was by far one of the sweetest thing someone has ever gotten me. I actually started to cry.

"Thank you. So so much thank you so much. I love it and I haven't even heard it. No one has ever really done any thing for me." I said. except Michael. I hated that he always found his way into my mind. The rest of the time I was at Cal's house we were laughing and making funny jokes. He noticed my hickeys and didn't really ask about them. He just said "Maybe I can give you that as a present one day." And I laughed and shrugged it off. When I left he kissed me cheek and told me to settle down and listen to the cd as soon as I got home.

I followed his instructions. I got home took a shower chillaxed and popped the disc into my laptop. The first thing I heard was his voice.

"Hey Clover I know we haven't known each other for long. and to be honest it's highly likely our friendship won't even last. But I hope it always lays in your memories because it will always last in mine. I know that we just met but when I didn't hang out with you, I was very romantically frustrated, and for some reason I feel like you were too. But when I'm with you it all goes away. I know this is probably soppy and unnecessary so I'll stop. Here's the first song. it's Blood by the Middle East."

I didn't know how to react. I know I'm such a pussy but all I could do was cry. Then I got upset because all I can ever do is cry. I honestly need to get my shit together.

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