(4) Demonic Seduction

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Demonic Seduction

Chapter 4

I got some more hateful glares as I got into my car and followed Jerry out of the parking lot. We dropped my car off at my house and then we went shopping for the items we needed for tonight. We didn't go to the mall because they won't be selling the kind of things we were looking for. We went to a little shop on the outskirts of town, it looked run down and creepy. I was glad we came here during the day because I don't even want to imagine how it would look at night. There was an old lady with white hair sitting behind the counter watching our every move. Jerry filled a basket with an assortment of strange things and then paid for them before we left.

It was late afternoon when we arrived back at my house and unfortunately Leah was in the living room as we entered. She gave me one of the same hateful glares as everybody else at school did today and then turned her back on us and stomped off to her room. I'm sure she was going to tell my parents everything I've been up to as soon as they get back home tomorrow morning. They went away to some romantic spa for their twenty second wedding anniversary. They left Leah in charge because she was the oldest but I'm sure they weren't expecting me to do anything wrong. As far as they were concerned they raised two perfect daughters, it's just a shame that they so quickly forgot about their third daughter.

I led Jerry upstairs to my room where he laid all of his newly purchased items on the floor as well as some things he took out of his back pack.

"Are you hungry?" I asked realizing we haven't eaten anything the whole day.  

"Yea, I'm starving," Jerry answered without paying me much notice, he was to interested in whatever he was reading from a thick black book he held in his hands.  

"Is pizza ok?" I questioned.  

"Yea," Jerry answered and continued reading.

I quickly phoned our local pizza place and placed an order for two large pepperoni pizzas. While I waited for the pizza to arrive I sat in silence on my bed watching Jerry do whatever it is he was doing. He was reading from the black book and then he would put it down and investigate an item on the floor before picking up the book again.

I saw the pizza delivery man pull up in our driveway and quickly made my way downstairs to pay him and collect our food. I grabbed some sodas and napkins from the kitchen and headed upstairs. I opened one of the boxes of pizza and sat down on the ground with the pizza between us. We both ate in silence, I had a few pieces but Jerry had the most finishing the open box and eating a few slices from the second box. When we were done we drank our sodas and then I put the leftover pizza in the fridge.

We spent the rest of the afternoon in my room talking and joking until it was dark out and the full moon was hanging brightly in the sky.

"It's time," Jerry announced getting up from my bed and sitting down on the floor in the middle of my room. His words sent a shiver of fear down my spine but I wasn't going to chicken out now.  

"Turn off the light and sit down across from me," Jerry said calmly. I did as I was told, Jerry was the one who knew what he was doing after all.

The room was pitch black, the only light being that off the moon that was shining through my wide open window. Jerry started placing some items between us, I still wasn't sure what some of them were but I'm sure they were somehow needed for the invoking. He lit some black candles and then handed me the photo of Ivy. He placed a small bowl in between us and threw some sort of dust into it before telling me to repeat after him.

He started saying phrases that didn't make much sense to me and I'm sure some of the words were in a different language but I repeated after him hoping with all of my heart that this was going to work.

"Light the picture and throw it in the bowl, then prick yourself and let a few drops of blood fall in the fire," Jerry instructed handing me a box of matches and a razor blade. My heart was pounding in my chest but once again I did as I was told. I lit the match and set the picture on fire. I let it drop in the bowl full of ashes and cut my finger with the razor letting a few drops of my blood fall into the flame.

"Repeat after me until I say stop," Jerry said still sounding very calm. He started saying some phrases again and I repeated after him. I was nervous and anxious and was about to think it wasn't going to work when the window shut closed with a loud bang. The candles flames grew taller and started glowing an emerald green just like Ivy's eyes.

Demonic Seduction and it's sequel Deadly DesiresWhere stories live. Discover now