(13) Demonic Seduction

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Demonic Seduction

Chapter 13

It didn't take long for the sleeping pills to kick in, their eyes started drooping and before they could say or do anything they were both passed out on the couch. They'll be out for the next couple of hours but I couldn't risk just leaving them like that now that I have drugged them. I pulled their bodies to the garage one by one and tied them up. I tied their hands to a big steel wrack that was mounted to the wall making sure they're not sitting to close together, I didn't want them to be able to help each other in any way. Next I tied their feet together and then I taped their mouths shut. I couldn't have them screaming for help now could I?

When I was satisfied that there was no way they could get away I headed upstairs to my dad's study and started searching for the key to his safe. It took me a while but I found it eventually. This was going to make my life a lot easier. I unlocked the safe and took out my dad's gun as well as two boxes of bullets. I've never shot a gun before so I wasn't sure how many times I was going to have to shoot before my victim actually died.

Luckily the gun already had its silencer on so all I had to do was figure out how to load it. I opened the barrel and loaded the bullets. This wasn't going to be difficult at all. I headed back down to the garage to check on my parents but they were still fast asleep. Oh well I guess I have some time to think.

I made myself some breakfast and sat down at the kitchen table eating it, it tasted great, I was starving. Next I went to the living room and fell down on the couch switching on the TV. I flipped though the channels until I found one of my favorite cartoons and sat back wondering what to do next. I would have to kill my parents now since I've already drugged them. They won't understand why I killed Leah, nobody will ever understand but I had to do it.

I watched TV for the rest of the day waiting for my parents to wake up. It was after five in the afternoon when they finally did. I know I could have killed them in their sleep but that just wouldn't have been fun. I sat on a chair in the garage watching them with the gun in my hands as they woke up and looked around them obviously confused.

My mom's eyes focused on me and I smiled at her wickedly. I could see she was freaking out as the situation dawned on her but all her shaking wasn't going to help her one bit. I tied those knots really good. My dad was taking a bit longer but he finally realized what was happening and started freaking out as well.

"Calm down already" I told them feeling irritated that they wouldn't sit still. Both of them focused their eyes on me and I could see that they were terrified. Oh well, soon they'll be out of their misery.

"So which one of you want to die first?" I asked getting up from the chair and moving closer to them. I sat down on the floor in front of them. My mom let out a scream but it sounded more like a squeak because of the tape covering her mouth. Nobody would have heard it.

"I'll take that as you then" I said pointing the gun at my mom. She screamed some more and shook her head frantically.

"Oh ok, so you want me to kill him first?" I asked moving the gun from her to my dad. She shook her head some more and attempted to scream again which was really starting to make me angry.

I'll teach her a lesson. I pointed the gun at her again and pulled the trigger aiming for her leg. The gun made a soft sound and jerked in my hand but nothing too bad. Her eyes froze in shock as the pain filled her body, she started sobbing and choking. I had hit my target well, maybe I was a good shot after all.

"If you don't stop making those noises I'm going to kill him just like I did Leah" I said to my mother as my dad watched me in shock. My mom tried keeping quiet but she just couldn't.

"Oh well, you asked for it" I said getting up and sitting down right next to my dad. He looked horrified but he didn't try to scream or move, I think he was still in shock. I pushed the gun to his head hoping I don't get any blood on myself.

"I sacrifice you so that Dante can live" I said and then pulled the trigger.

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