(17) Demonic Seduction

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Demonic Seduction

Chapter 17

I got up from where I was sitting and grabbed the tape from the wrack beside her. It's time for her to shut up now. I taped her mouth close again and sat down on the chair in the middle of the garage where I had sat before.

"I made a new friend. His name is Dante. I asked a friend from school if he could help me call up Ivy's spirit so that I could talk to her. It worked, her spirit came through but so did Dante's and he was much stronger then she was. He killed her spirit and now I am stuck with him. At first I was furious and terrified of him, but not anymore. That is why I am sacrificing all of you, so that he can live again. I'm not sure what he is or what's going to happen when he is completely healed but since Ivy is lost to me forever I figured I have nothing to lose by helping him" I said as I watched my mother squirm with fear, I'm sure she knew what was going to happen next.

"I'll try to make this quick, I think you've suffered enough" I said getting up from the chair and walking over to her. I crouched down beside her and pressed the gun against her head. She was sobbing and choking but I really didn't care.

"I sacrifice you so that Dante can live" I said and then pulled the trigger. The bullet hit her straight in the head but she was still breathing so I had to shoot her a second time. The second shot did the job so I put my gun away in the back of my pants again and headed upstairs knowing that Dante would be waiting for me

I entered my room feeling exited and anxious, I had so many questions for Dante but he always disappears before I can ask him. He was standing at my window staring outside.

"What are you looking at?" I asked walking over to him and looking out of the window.  

"Nothing and everything, it's been a long time since I could walk around outside" He answered focusing his attention on me. He looked much healthier since the last time I saw him and I was sure it wouldn't be long before he was completely healed.  

"How many more do you need?" I asked knowing he would understand what I was talking about.  

"One, maybe two" He replied as the corner of his lip turned up into a smile.  

"And then what?" I questioned wondering what would happen ones he was completely healed.  

"Then I am going to make love to you" He replied taking me by surprise. I wanted to ask him if he was serious but he didn't give me time to say anything. He grabbed a hold of me and pulled my body tightly to his as he pressed his lips against mine.

His touch was just as amazing as the first time. My body was tingling from head to toe and I knew I would never grow tired of the way he made me feel when he touched me. I threw my arms around his neck pressing my body even closer to his. The kiss lasted a little longer then our first kiss but soon Dante pulled away and looked at me with a sad smile.

"I have to go now but soon we will be together" He said and then disappeared again.

I would have to kill my next two victims quickly because him disappearing the whole time was starting to drive me crazy. I checked my watch and saw that it was already late, I would have to find my next victim tomorrow at school, there are a lot of kids so it shouldn't be difficult.

I took a long hot shower, changed into some pajamas and climbed into my bed. I was tired and fell asleep easily. I dreamed of Dante's kiss and about talking to Ivy again. It was good dreams.

The next morning I woke up feeling refreshed and exited, maybe by tonight I would have Dante all to myself.

I quickly changed into some jeans and a tight fitting tank top. I ran my brush through my hair and added some make up so that I looked like my old self. If I was going to convince anybody to go somewhere with me I had to act as normal as possible. I phoned my mom and dad's work telling them that they were sick and taking the day off and then I had a breakfast bar and some orange juice before I left for school. I made sure to lock all the doors, I didn't want anybody walking into the house and finding all the dead bodies.

I drove to school wondering who I was going to choose but it didn't really matter. I parked my car and quickly made my way into the school, the sooner I got this done with the sooner I would feel Dante's lips on mine again.

I was walking down the hallway when I spotted Laurie and got a bright idea. I walked up to her and smiled sweetly.

"Hi, do you think we can talk?" I asked hoping she would fall for it after I was so rude to her on Friday.  

"Yes sure" She replied, she looked hesitant at first but loosened up as I led her down the hallway.  

"Where are we going?" She asked.  

"Somewhere private, we have a lot to talk about and I don't want us to be disturbed" I answered wondering which weapon I was going to use.

Demonic Seduction and it's sequel Deadly DesiresWhere stories live. Discover now