(21) Demonic Seduction

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Demonic Seduction

Chapter 21

The kiss was short and made my stomach curl.

"Let's just do it and get it over with" Ivy said not even looking at me. Dante shook his head in agreement as he took a hold of a big knife that was lying on my dresser beside him.

"I want to do it" Ivy stated holding her hand out.

"Are you sure?" Dante asked looking concerned, maybe he did really love her.

"Yes" She replied impatiently.

"Ok, just make sure you go for the heart like I told you" Dante said handing her the knife.

It all seemed so unreal to me that it didn't even matter that I was going to die in a few seconds. The only thing I could think of was that Ivy was actually standing in front of me and that she was happy. That is all I ever wanted.

They tore their eyes away from each other and focused their attention on me.

"I sacrifice you so that I can live" Ivy said and then spun around and stabbed Dante with the knife. He let out a howl of pain as the expression on his face changed to one of shock and confusion. She had pressed the knife straight into his heart just like he had told her too and I could see the life slipping out of him.

I was as confused as he was about what just happened as he took his last breath and fell to the floor. A strange feeling filled the room and I watched as what I figured was his soul left his body and entered Ivy. Her body shook as it entered her and when it was done it looked like a halo surrounded her.

"I need a body" Ivy said pulling the knife out of Dante's chest. I had no idea what was going on and as she bent over me I thought she was going to kill me but instead she cut the rope tying my arms and legs to the chair.

"I need a body" Ivy repeated looking at me nervously.

"Oh" I whispered as I realized what she was saying. She wanted me to get a body for her.

"I don't have all day" Ivy said impatiently staring at me and I couldn't help but feel happy. It was the same way she used to look at me when I took too long to get ready for school.

"You always thought Jessica was pretty" I stated remembering all the comments Ivy used to make every time she saw our neighbor. She was only a year older then us but looked like a supermodel with her long legs, blue eyes, and long blonde hair.

"Does she still live next door?" Ivy asked as her lips formed into an evil smile.

"Yip, she should be at home right now" I answered looking over at the clock.

"Let's go" Ivy said and I could hear the excitement in her voice.

Since Ivy was still a ghost we decided that we would meet up in Jessica's kitchen. I went outside and made my way to the house next to ours. Jessica was always very friendly so I didn't think that I would have any problem getting into the house. I rang the bell and when she opened I asked her if she could check to see if her mother still had the cook book my mother had borrowed her. I knew they kept their recipe books in the kitchen and since that is where I wanted to go it seemed like a good idea. She agreed to have a look for me and invited me in. I followed her to the kitchen keeping an eye open for Ivy.

I explained how the book looked making it up as I did and Jessica opened one of the cupboards and started searching. As soon as her back was turned to me Ivy appeared out of nowhere and handed the knife to me. She was fading and looking nervous and I knew what was going on without her having to tell me. She needed a body and fast.

I stepped closer to Jessica holding the knife ready to stab her.

"I sacrifice you so that Ivy can live" I said hoping that it worked since Ivy didn't really explain to me what to do. Jessica spun around to face me as I said the words. I didn't hesitate knowing that I couldn't take any chances. I stabbed the knife straight into her heart. She died immediately and I watched as her dead body fell to the ground. I didn't feel guilty about killing her I was just hoping that it worked. I looked behind me where Ivy was before but she had completely disappeared.

I crouched down beside Jessica's dead body and pulled the knife out of her heart.

"Ouch" Ivy's voice mumbled as her eyes fluttered open and focused on me.

Demonic Seduction and it's sequel Deadly DesiresWhere stories live. Discover now