(9) Demonic Seduction

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Demonic Seduction

Chapter 9

I put all my force behind the knife and drive it deep into her chest. Blood splattered over my hand as well as on to my clothes and bed but I didn't care because she was still breathing. I pull the knife out of her shaking body and stab her again and again until her body goes numb and she stops breathing. I close her eyes and smile to myself before I get off of her. I look around my room wondering where Dante was and if it worked, I hope so because I really didn't want to kill my sister for no reason.

I hear a knock at my door and then my mom's voice.  

"Hope, are you in there?" She asks in her usual cheerful voice.  

"Yea" I answer turning down the music.  

"Have you seen Leah this morning?" She asks through the door.  

"No" I answer looking over at the dead body lying on my bed.  

"Ok honey, if you see her ask her to phone me ok"  

"Sure mom" I reply and then I hear her footsteps disappear down the hall.

"I guess she's going to wait a very long time for that call" I say to myself but hear somebody laughing and recognize the voice immediately as Dante's.  

"You think that's funny?" I ask scanning my room again and seeing a shadowy figure standing close to the window.  

"Yes I do" He replies still laughing.  

"Well I'm glad somebody is finding this situation amusing" I reply but can't help smiling myself.  

"You did good" He says.  

"So it worked?" I question.  

"Yes, can't you tell?" He asks in his seductive voice.  

"I suppose, you're not stuck in the spirit world any more are you?"  

"No, with every sacrifice I'll get stronger until I resume my human form again" Dante says moving closer to me. I don't feel afraid of him anymore.  

"How many more do you need?" I ask wondering how many more people I have to kill.  

"I don't know" He answers.  

"And what about me? What if I get caught?" I question feeling nervous for the first time since I killed Leah.  

"Don't even worry about it, if we do this quick enough I'll be back to full strength soon and then nobody will ever be able to hurt you" He answers.  

"So you will protect me?" I question wanting to confirm what he just told me.  

"Always" He answers and then disappears.

Now how do I get rid of this? I ask myself looking at Leah's lifeless body. I can't just drag it downstairs and dump it in the trash, I need a plan and quick. I sit down on the floor rocking back and forth while trying to figure out what to do next. I eventually decide that the best idea would be to hide her body in a bag and then to sneak it out once my parents leave or tonight when it is dark. I'll tie something heavy to it and then drop her in the river.

Once I'm satisfied with my plan I go to my bathroom and take off my blood stained clothes. I throw them to the floor and wash my body until I'm sparkling clean. I change into some jeans and a tank top before reapplying my makeup and drying my hair. I take a look in the mirror and feel satisfied with my appearance, nobody would be able to guess that I just killed my sister.

Next I wash the knife I used and place it in my bedside table, I might need it again if I can't find a better weapon. I leave my room and make sure to lock the door behind me sticking the key in my pocket. I walk down the passage and make my way to the kitchen. I know my dad had to go work today so the only person I have to worry about is my mom but that problem is quickly solved. I find a note stuck to the fridge telling me that she went shopping and to remind Leah to phone her. I shake my head and smile to myself wondering how this whole situation is going to turn out.

I grab a few big garbage bags and some tape from the garage before heading upstairs to clean the mess I had made.

Demonic Seduction and it's sequel Deadly DesiresWhere stories live. Discover now