(18) Demonic Seduction

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Demonic Seduction

Chapter 18

We walked to my car and I gestured for her to get in, she didn't look very happy about it but got in and shut the door. I could tell that it was the fact that we were going to be bunking school that was bothering her. Laurie is a good girl, I don't think she has ever done anything wrong or exiting in her life.

I got into the car and started it as I wondered where I was going to take her. It had to be somewhere quiet where we won't be seen. I took off and headed towards the beach figuring it would be quiet there. It was closed off because some kids got attacked by sharks a few weeks ago and since then most people have avoided going there.

I stopped my car next to the road and got out breathing in the fresh salty air. I watched Laurie as she got out of the car looking a bit worried.

"Come on" I said gesturing for her to follow me down the hill that lead to the beach.  

"It's so quiet here" She stated following closely behind me.  

"That's the whole idea, I don't want any interruptions" I replied leading her over to some cliffs. I made my way up them and sat down with my feet hanging off the edge. The ocean was calm and beautiful, it made me feel so alive and exited. Laurie sat down next to me and looked at me anxiously.

"What is it you want to talk about?" She asked and I could hear the concern in her voice. Laurie has always been a bit boring but I could never deny the fact that she really cared about me. It didn't matter, nothing was going to change my mind. Soon she would be dead and Dante would be one step closer to being healed.  

"About us" I replied as I realized that I forgot my backpack in the car. Both the gun and my knife was in it, this was not good.  

"Ok, go ahead" Laurie said smiling at me with true concern on her face.  

"I want to give you something first, a little gift as an apology for the way I've been acting lately" I said praying silently that my new plan was going to work. I had no choice, Laurie had to die.  

"Oh, you shouldn't have" She said but I could see she was exited. Laurie loved gifts and surprises and her words gave me confidence that this was going to work out just fine.  

"I wanted to, now close your eyes. It's a surprise" I said getting up. She squeezed her eyes shut without hesitation and waited for her surprise.

I quickly scanned the cliff behind us and saw a nice big rock with a sharp edge. It will have to do I decided as I quickly picked it up and walked back to Laurie.  

"What's taking so long?" She asked as I crouched behind her.  

"I'm almost done" I replied lifting the rock high above her head.  

"I'm so excited, I just know I'm going to love this" Laurie giggled and I couldn't help but smile at the idea of her loving the fact that I was going to bash her head in with a rock.  

"I sacrifice you so that Dante can live" I said quickly as I brought the rock down with as much force as I could. I saw her body tighten at my words and I heard her starting to question what I just said but she was too late.

The rock hit her in the middle of her head cutting off her words and replacing them with a gurgling scream. She didn't die immediately so I had to hit her a few more times. When I was sure that she was dead I threw her body off the cliff and watched as the ocean swept it away. It was sure to wash up somewhere but I didn't feel like worrying about that right now. I only had one more person to kill and then Dante would be whole again.

Demonic Seduction and it's sequel Deadly DesiresWhere stories live. Discover now