(16) Demonic Seduction

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Demonic Seduction

Chapter 16

"If I take the tape off of your mouth will you promise not to scream?" I asked her. She shook her head in agreement so I ripped the tape from her mouth causing her to flinch with pain. The floor was covered in blood from the wound on her leg and I could see she was getting weaker from the blood loss. I better not let her die before I sacrifice her to Dante.

"Why are you doing this?" She asked looking at me with terror in her eyes.  

"I'm doing this for Ivy" I replied moving so that the blood doesn't get on to me and stain my clothes.  

"Ivy's dead hope" My mom said with a sorrowful expression on her face.  

"I know she's dead mother but that doesn't mean I can just forget about her like the rest of you did" I replied getting more irritated by the second.  

"We... we never forgot about her Hope, it's just easier not to talk about her" My mom said as tears filled her eyes, if she thought I was going to feel sorry for her she's wrong.  

"You chose to forget about her! You removed all her pictures and got rid of all her things, this is all your fault!" I yelled at her losing my cool. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to talk to her before I killed her.  

"It's not my fault Hope but I'm sorry that you feel that way. Why don't you let me go, I promise I'll help you with whatever trouble you are in" My mom begged. Yeah right, if I were to let her go she would have me committed to a mental institute or something.

"You're wrong, this is your fault. It's your fault because you let Ivy die. If she was still alive none of this would have happened" I stated as the memories of that horrible day flashed through my head.

My mom was taking me, Ivy and Leah to get manicures. Leah was super exited like always and I have to admit that I was looking forward to it as well, I was so lame back then. Ivy didn't care much about the manicures but since I was excited about it she was happy too.

Ivy and I are twins and since the moment we were born we were inseparable. We were different in a lot of ways but loved each other unconditionally. I was more of a girly girl that followed the trends and tried to keep everybody happy and Ivy was more of a tomboy. She never cared what anybody thought about her except me. She would do anything to make me happy. We both had our own friends but we were always each other's best friends no matter what happened.

Leah was sitting in the front seat next to my mom and me and Ivy was sitting in the back seat chatting happily. We were almost at mall when a car cut in front of us, my mom slammed on the brakes causing the car to spin out of control. It reached the edge of the road and rolled down the hill landing on its roof.

It all happened so fast but I can remember it very clearly. Leah and Ivy were both screaming from pain but my mom and I seemed to be ok. That was the first time in my life that I was glad that my mom was a doctor. I didn't need to worry, she would help them I told myself but I was sadly mistaken.

She loosened her seatbelt and pulled Leah out of the car and started working on her immediately. I could see that Ivy was hurt much worse than Leah since she was bleeding all over me. I called frantically for my mom to come and help us but she didn't. She stayed with Leah leaving Ivy to die in my arms.

She claimed that she went into shock but that's not a good enough excuse for me. She is a doctor and deals with emergencies every day of her life, she should have helped Ivy then she might still have been alive today.

"Her wounds were fatal, she would have died anyway" My mom said snapping me back to reality.  

"You still should have tried" I said as I took the gun out of the back of my pants where I hid it before.

Demonic Seduction and it's sequel Deadly DesiresWhere stories live. Discover now