The Final Battle,Jay Vs Cyrus

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Jay's POV
In anger,after my words I shouted,"Fire dragon's roar!" trying to drown him in fire.At lightning speed he dodged grinning at my anger and appeared in front of me punching me across the stadium."You know,I did promise to tell you some information didn't I?!?" he said lifting me by my neck."How about I start now,about the fact that your parents are the ones who helped do this to all of us,change us to God damn science experiments!" he said throwing me to the floor."It was their fault you are the way you are,their fault you can never be normal!" he continued while kicking into me."They didn't tell you those stories about heroes for your own entertainment,they were information on the heroes they wanted you to be able to adapt to and ironically enough you were the only child there fit for the job,the rest of us were failed experiments!" he continued while knocking me around,"that's why it was a surprise when you the chosen one,not only saved us,but killed your own parents!" In anger I kicked him in the sky with both of my feet and stood up once again having a familiar aura around me.

"You'll die for that!" I shouted running into him with flames on my fist.I punched crazily just trying to get one hit on him,but he effortlessly just dodged every one of my punches."You can't expect to beat me with that lousy power!" he said kicking me backwards close to Lee."D damn it,Drogoz was right I can't beat him at this form!" I exclaimed in my head.Although my thoughts were to just run,I couldn't leave Lee to die and it's my fault this person escaped.I awakened my eye and ran in."If I can't kick your ass,I'll just injure it!" I shouted running in.I charged towards him and tried to kick him across the face and although I missed I forced my hands in the ground creating balance for me to kick again.Keeping up the momentum I centred myself and began to continuously punching using elements bit by bit trying to overwhelm him.He dodged all my attacks and lent a few punches in but it didn't slow me down.I backflipped away powering up an atomic blast just like the Phoenix one I did before,running towards him.He two charged up an attack grinning knowing we would have to clash.As I ran in I smiled barrel rolling letting him use his attack and blasted mines into the ground shouting,"Atomic volcano!" causing the middle of the stadium to push upwards with an explosion.I kicked Lee towards the spectators then made a wall protecting myself.

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