Dragon vs Wolf

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Jay's POV
Giving him no time to breathe I sped towards him,engulfing my hands in flames and repeatedly hit him as if he was a boxing bag.Eventually he caught one of my fists throwing me a few feet away from him and sped behind me using a chidori.I quickly held his hand and pushed myself upwards before rotating like a fan,hitting him away again.He seemed like he wanted to say something but I decided to have a lack of manners and dash towards him hitting his teeth together giving his brain a bit of a wobble and went into a boxing position knocking him around.I decided it was time to finish the fight and got a bit of a flashback of me and Drogoz's conversation before I left my mind."Drogoz,hear me out,what if it was possible to use more than one move at once?" I asked only now thinking about it."That would take immense power,you may not be able to handle it!" he replied as if he was a worried mother."If it helps with beating that bastard, I'd do anything!" and as I came back to the present I ran towards Cyrus and hit him full force shouting "Fire dragons' chidori!" piercing his stomach."You know,I would have loved for us to be brothers!" I said as the energy from the attack died down and it was just my hand in his stomach.As I pulled out my hand he fell to his knees."I I can't die now,I'm not doing this for me,I'm doing this for my family,the other clones,I can't die!" Cyrus said with some coughs of blood in-between,but,his pep talk was enough to power him up again."Thank you,Jay,you are the first person to help me past my limits,may the best man win!" Cyrus shouted going into a fighting position.His wounds were healed ,but I could still tell he was weak yet,I felt that both him and I needed to finish this,I grinned and dashed towards him full speed then jumped above him creating water and changing it into the form of a dragon,dropping it on him.As fast as it came,he used a chidori and evaporated it but I saw this as my chance and rushed downwards aiming for his collar bone.He noticed and surrounded himself with lightning then jumped towards me at the same speed.As soon as we clashed mid air,I actually had an idea,I kicked him upwards then created vines with my energy,wrapping them around him and used my body weight pulling him downwards again."Cyrus,I got a new one again!" I said at the ball of vines."Two world move,Hidden Leaf's Flying Kirin!" and on cue I untangled the vines from my hands crashing him into the ground and immediately a lightning dragon crashed down on him adding more damage to the already weakened Cyrus.

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