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17| F A T E

" I'M SORRY, BUT I don't think I heard you right

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" I'M SORRY, BUT I don't think I heard you right. Did you say soulmates?", Dean questions unbelievingly.

Castiel nods. " You heard me correctly, Dean."

Jack looks over at Zen in confusion. " I don't understand...what are soulmates?"

" A soulmate is a bond that two people have that can't be broken. It is a love and a trust that will remain with them forever.", Castiel answers. " But for angels, It's different. Not only do we share a bond with our significant other, but we are also connected to them. We can sense when they are in trouble or when they get hurt...we protect them no matter what.", he explains. Zen blinks rapidly as she tried to process the words coming out of his mouth.

" Wait, so who's responsible for this? Cupid? Did he do that thing where he marks his victim's heart like when we went to the town Famine was in?", Sam asks after a long silence.

" No, angels have no power over other angels. That's why it was so rare.", Castiel sighs in reply.

" Then who does?", Dean asks.

" God.", Castiel says simply.

" God...", Zen says slowly. " You mean the guy who makes Supernatural books and calls himself ' Chuck ' God?", she questions.

Castiel nods slowly. " Y-Yes, that God..."

Zen looks at Jack only to find him already looking at her. The more she looked into his eyes, the more she could feel the soul bond. Is this why she felt this attraction to him? Why she can't go any where without him? Why she could feel his pain even when they aren't together?

When were the Winchesters gonna get a break from this?

" When an angel finds their charge, they do their best to protect them. Break them apart? The angel will most probably try to kill you.", Castiel says, breaking her from her thoughts.

" Wait...charge?", Zen asks in confusion.

Castiel looks at her and says, " A charge is a term we angels use for those we protect. It is different from a soul mate since the charge doesn't have this intense feeling of attraction towards their charge, unlike soulmates. A soulmate can only have one significant other but an angel can have multiple charges."

She nods slowly and narrows her eyes at him intriguingly. " Have you found your charge?", she asks.

Castiel gulps and shifts uncomfortably before replying, " Yes..."

" Wait, really? Who?", Sam asks in shock. But Zen had a feeling she knew who his charge was.

" Dean.", he answers and Zen coughs ' Destiel' under her breath. " And you, Sam.", he continues after an awkward silence. She gave Dean a smug look and Dean glared at her in reply.

" Anyways, not only are you soulmates, you are his charge.", Castiel says to Zen. Zen tries her best to wrap all the information in her head since this was all new to her. Actually this is new to all of them.

Dean claps his hands, breaking everyone from their thoughts. " Okay! Since we got all of that cleared up, I think it's time we pack up and head to Dodge.", he states giving Sam a nod before walking to his room.

Jack goes to his room as well without a word. Throughout the while conversation, he had tried to understand what was going on. Information was given to him left and right and it was hard to keep up. One second, he has no idea who and what he is and he doesn't know why he felt this way towards her. But now, all of a sudden he does and it makes everything clear. He now knew his purpose, and that was to protect his charge and her family.


ZEN WALKS OVER to Castiel's room after she had grabbed everything for the hunt. She knocked on his door and heard a small ' come in ' from inside. She takes a deep breath before opening the door slowly.

Castiel was sitting on his bed while he stared at the television intently. He glances at her for a second before going back to the movie.

" Why do humans like making things they don't need.", he asks her as he watched an advertisement for some butter softener

Zen chuckles and replies, " That's just how we are Cassy."

Cas smiles softly at her and turns the volume down before looking over her way. " What did you want to talk about?"

She raised her eye brow and says, " How did you know I wanted to talk about anything?"

" I know that look Zenja, you're curious about something.", he replies and pats down the spot beside him.

Zen sighs and walks over to the bed before sitting down. " God, I missed you Cas...", she mutters as she lays her head on his shoulder. The duo stayed in comfortable silence as Castiel waited for her to speak up.

" I told my brothers...", she says.

Cas furrows his brows and looks down at her. " Told them what?"

She sighs and sits up straight. " I told them about my powers..."

" Really? What did they say?", Cas asks, intrigued.

" They were surprisingly okay with it. I guess with all these shit constantly happening to us it doesn't faze them anymore...", she mutters. " But it was difficult Cas...It was hard to keep it from them. And when you died I just...I lost it. My powers were always acting out and my temper was through the roof—"

" I'm so sorry, Zen. I should've been there for you. I could only imagine the hardships...", he says softly.

" It's alright Cassy...I'm just glad you're back.", she says as she laid her bead on his shoulders once more.

The duo stayed silent once more until Cas spoke up. " What did you really want to talk about Zen?"

She chuckles in response and says, " Nothing really gets passed you, huh?"

" I don't understand...", He says slowly. She lets out a sigh and fiddles with her fingers.

" Cas...", she starts.

He furrows his eyes brows and looks down at her. " What's wrong?"

She pursed her lips before saying, " I need to know what happened to my parents..."

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