T H I R T Y - T H R E E

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Impala85 here u go ;)

ZENJA WATCHES AS the orange and red flames danced in front of her

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ZENJA WATCHES AS the orange and red flames danced in front of her. It was currently night time and she had finished helping the injured refugees. People were surrounding the camp fire as they silently ate their dinner, some kids were drawing things on the ground using sticks, Her mother and Bobby were talking to each other across from her and Jack was chatting with Lizzie.

In short, the night was dull and Zenja wanted to do something fun.

She pondered for a moment before an idea popped into her head. She grabbed her phone and opened up her music before scrolling down until she found the song she wanted. She turned the volume all the way up before playing. The familiar tune of Taylor Swift's shake it off flowed through everyone's ears, making them look over at her in surprise and curiosity.

Mary gave her daughter a confused look but Zenja simply grinned at her before standing up. She walked towards Lizzie and a couple of kids and says, " Let's have some fun."

Lizzie grinned and nodded her head eagerly, along with the other kids. She helped them up and walked to the centre. People looked over at them curiously, wondering what she was up to.

Once the chorus started to play, Zenja started dancing and sang along with the artist. Her dancing wasn't exactly graceful and her voice wasn't one of an angel's but it was something to keep her mind off of everything happening right now. The kids followed her and started jumping around with big smiles on their faces. The parents laughed as they see their children smile. They kept dancing and soon enough some of the older people started to join. Zenja walked over to her mother and held out her hand.

" Oh no-"

" Too late!", Zenja laughs as she pulls her mother towards the dance floor. Mary laughs as she watches her daughter make a fool out of herself by jumping around to the beat of the song. Mary shakes her head with a smile on her face before joining the fun.

Zenja then stopped to look around and smiled to herself when she sees the auras surrounding the camp. They weren't dull anymore, instead they were vibrant and full of life. She continued to look around until she caught Jack's gaze. She slowly walked up to him and held out her hand.

" Come on.", She ushered with a small smile. He took her hand and stood up before walking over to the dancing circle.

Just when they were about to dance, the music changed and the sound of Bryan Adams' voice filled her ears. She watched as some couples started slow dancing to the song with small smiles on their faces.

She looked up at Jack and cleared her throat. " It's usually the guys who asks this question but fuck the stereotypes. Do you wanna dance?", she asks.

" I don't really know how...", he confesses.

She chuckled and slowly grabbed his hand. " I'll show you..."

She then placed his hands on her waist and wrapped her arms around his neck.

" Just follow me, J.", she instructs softly.

They then started swaying to the slow beat of the song. Her heart pounded quickly on her chest, she wondered if the whole camp could hear it. She looked up to meet his eyes, which only made her heart beat faster.

"Baby, you're all that I want
When you're lyin' here in my arms
I'm findin' it hard to believe
We're in heaven
And love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart
It isn't too hard to see
We're in heaven"

She softly hummed the lyrics as they danced. Jack didn't know what this feeling was...this feeling of tightness around his chest, his hands were starting to get sweaty and he couldn't stop staring into her eyes. To him, it was the most beautiful thing in the world. They say eyes are the windows to the soul...to him, eyes are more than windows-The were doors. He could feel the soul bond getting stronger, as if it was finally mending itself together.

" Zenja...", he whispers and she hummed in response.

" Do you remember the time when you helped me with my powers back at the bunker?", he asks.

She furrows her eyebrows at the question and nods slowly. He continued. " You told me to think about my four most favourite things in the world."

She chuckles. " Yeah, and you only said three. It still worked though."

He smiles and says, " Well, I found the fourth." She stayed silent and gave him a look to continue. " Zen...it's you."

She blinked. " I...what?"

Jack looks at her with in a way that made her heart skip a beat. To him, she was the only person in the camp. The people around them seemed to blur as he stared into her green eyes.

" Your my favourite, Zen. No, actually you're more than that. You are my charge. My soulmate. You are the only person that makes me feel human. You stood by my side even when things get rough..."

He paused. " Zen...you-you're important to me. I need you more than anything in this world...or the other world.", he sighs. " What I'm trying to say is-"

Zen interrupts him by smashing her lips to his. Jack froze in surprise as she pulls back with a small grin. " You're incredibly important to me too, J."

Jack let out a breathy laugh and cupped her cheek with his hand. " Can I kiss you again?"

She laughs. " J, you never have to ask me that question..."

Jack grins before bringing her face towards his and met her lips for the second time. Zen pulls him closer as their lips melded with each other. She couldn't feel sparks or butterflies in her stomach like they usually state in romantic novels. This feeling was different. She couldn't explain it. It was slow and passionate, it felt like this was the first time she had kissed someone. This feeling was nothing like what she felt before.

It felt...perfect.

Mary watches them with a small smile. She swore she could see something glowing on their necks, it looked like glowing gold roots making it's way down to their chests.

" You don't see that everyday...", Bobby states as he took a swig of his whiskey.

Mary chuckles and looks down. " I'm just glad she's happy." And she was...never in a million years would she have thought her children could receive a happy ending in their future because of what they do. But seeing this...seeing them...she found new hope that maybe, just maybe, things will turn out fine in the end.

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