F I F T Y - O N E

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THE BLONDE SAT on top of one of the junk cars and stared blankly at the ground

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THE BLONDE SAT on top of one of the junk cars and stared blankly at the ground. She somehow blamed herself for Charlie and Ketch's capture, if only she made a better plan other that 'run', things would've gone better and they would've been here instead of wherever the angels held them hostage.

" You're hurt."

Zenja recognised the voice so she didn't bother to look up as she says, " I'm fine, Jack."

Jack Kline frowned before grabbing her hands, ignoring her protests. He examined her bloody and bruised knuckles before looking up to meet her tired eyes.

" When was the last time you slept, Zen?", he asks with a frown as he slowly heals her wounds.

Zen looks down with a sigh. " Yesterday."

Jack narrows his eyes at her. " I'm your soulmate, Zenja. I know when you're lying.", he deadpans.

Zen refuses to answer and continues to look down. Jack sighs and rests a palm on the side of her cheek, bringing her face up to meet his eyes. " When was the last time you slept, Zen?", he repeats.

Zen looked into his worried eyes and sighed in defeat. " A week and a half I guess...", she mutters.

Jack's eyes widened at the revelation. " A week and a half—You need sleep, Zen!"

Zenja shakes her head, making Jack frown even more. " I can't."

Jack furrows his brows. " What do you mean, ' you can't'? "

" I just can't, J! I-I—ever since I died...", Jack winces at the memory. She continues, "— I can't close my eyes without feeling like I'm drowning. When I close my eyes everything is just...dark and I-I can't see anything...I felt...nothing.", she whispers the last part, her tired eyes wide with fear.

Jack's heart clenches as he sees the fear painted on her beautiful face. He never really noticed it but her skin was paler and she was thinner than when they first arrived in the apocalypse world. Guilt suddenly creeped up at him when he realised he never really asked her if she was alright...mentally nit physically. His soulmate was slowly breaking and he's afraid he won't be able to fix her before she shatters.

" I don't know what to do, J. I'm so tired of everything...", her voice wavers as she whispers. She could feel the tears brimming up in her eyes as she tries to figure out a way to keep herself together. Jack watches sadly as the strongest woman he knows started to break down in front of him.

" It's all my fault...I should've thought of a better plan. A better way to keep my group safe...If only I thought it through, they wouldn't have been captured. God I'm such an idiot!", she yelled in anger as she slammed her palm on the hood of the car.

Jack grabs her hands once again and lifts it up towards his lips, placing a gentle kiss on her once bruised knuckles.

He stares at her with such intensity and determination as he says, " It's not your fault, Zen. It'll never be your fault. And you're not an idiot, you never were one.", he moves closer until he stood in between her legs. He lets go of her hands and rests his hands on her waist, tracing circles with his thumb.

He then continues. " You are the strongest woman I know. You're my soulmate, my charge and I love you. I'm sorry for snapping at you, for taking my father's side. I'm sorry for causing you pain, Z. Trust me, that's the last thing I wanted. You needed me but I wasn't there. I'm so sorry.", he finishes.

Zenja had tears rolling down her cheeks as she grabbed his face and smashed her lips on his. Jack wasted no time in returning the same amount of intensity. Their lips moved in perfect sync as they let all their raw emotions into the kiss. Her fingers were tangled in his soft dirty blonde hair as his arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer towards his chest. His other hand rested on the back of her head, fingers twisted around her blonde locks.

This kiss was different, it was hard and full of emotion. She could feel the soul bond getting stronger and she felt fresher. They didn't know it was happening but her skin started to return to it's slightly tanned color. Jack was healing her without even realising he was doing it. His eyes were glowing and so was hers. As they kissed, some of his grace transferred to Zen, healing her quicker.

They needed this. All they have been doing is fight and they were getting sick of it. They needed a release from all the pain and anger this world has brought upon them—and this kiss was it.

They slowly pulled away with ragged breaths as Zen rested her forehead against his. " I love you too, J. Always."

Jack smiles softly and realised the bags under her eyes were now gone. He leans in for another kiss and Zen grins before leaning in as well.

" Hey, Zen—Jesus Christ! I asked you to get some fresh air, not make out with your boyfriend."

Zenja rolls her eyes and chuckled at Dean's antics. Jack looks down embarrassed, a small smirk plastered on his blushing face.

" You always find ways to ruin the mood don't you, Dean-O?", she states untangling herself from Jack, who now had his hands on her thighs. " Also, I don't complain when you and Cas eye-fuck each other.", she smirks.

Dean makes a disgusted face. " I'm straight."

She snorts. " Sure you are, big brother."


Just a little filler for y'all ;)

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