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The roaring of the Draconians woke up Blake and Julien as they began to settle into Dragonbarrow. It was difficult to stay in an ancient city filled with inhabitants that didn't need sleep at all, especially when those inhabitants were constantly showing displays of intimidation to each other to show whether they were stronger than the other or not.

"We might as well, right?" said Julien.

"Sure," agreed Blake. Dragonbarrow was an ancient city that was most likely built long before the Dragon War. It was a walled stone dwelling in the sands, with domes for houses that were built for millions of Draconians that were twice the size of humans, all surrounding a deep pit in the center, either for brawling or meetings. As Blake and Julien went through the streets, they were passed by dozens of Draconians, male and female, all heading in the same direction, towards the center of the city.

"What's going on?" Julien asked one, in Draconic.

"The Queen has called for a meeting in the center of the city," the Draconian answered.

"What did he say?" asked Blake.

"Kara's gathering everyone in the pit," said Julien. "You want to see what it's about?"

"Sure," answered Blake. When they arrived at the center of the city, they had a better idea of how bad Kara Karvine's situation was. In the pit that was sometimes used for fighting, the Queen was accompanied by Theon Bloodbane, and the woman who they thought was a bandit, named Tessa. Kara began to speak loudly, in Draconic.

"My loyal soldiers!" she announced. "I have fortunate news for all of you! I have learned that my second son is alive!" Julien heard the muttering of the Draconians sitting next to him and Blake as Kara continued her speech.

"Now, do not think I will risk your lives for a fifteen-year-old boy," she said. "He's become a Guardian of Zenartha, forbidden to wear a crown or sit on a throne. However, I might be able to use that to our advantage. If I could talk to my son alone, maybe I could convince him to support my claim. I have a good feeling that he's in Mistral, ideally at the mercy of Robar Busch." Julien sensed a feeling of confusion from every one of the two thousand Draconians that remained of Kara's army. She wouldn't dare put her son in danger by provoking the King, would she?

"I don't know how I'll sneak myself into Mistral, but it has to happen," Kara continued. "I'll find a way." Julien could sense feelings of doubt from the Draconians. They must have been wondering how Queen Kara was going to sneak herself into Mistral while Robar Busch was King, just like he was.

"Why would Trevor be in Mistral?" Blake asked.

"I don't know?" said Julien. "But if he really is her son, then why hasn't King Robar killed him yet?"

"Well, when you become a Guardian, you give up any kind of claims on houses or lands," answered Blake. "The only thing killing Trevor would do is anger the Guardians. That's the last thing any King would want."

"And what about wiping out that village?" asked Julien.

"Shh!" hushed Blake. "Can't they understand you?"

"As a matter of fact, they can," said Julien, as a Draconian that sat next to him showed his teeth and snarled at Julien. Kara then adjourned the meeting, and the Draconians began to leave the pit. When Julien stood up to leave, too, he saw that Blake lingered behind.

"What's wrong?" he asked. Blake didn't answer. She stood up and went down to the bottom of the pit, past the Draconians marching up the stairs. Julien went with her as she confronted Kara. Theon Bloodbane turned around, growling as they approached her.

"Stand down, Theon," said Kara, in Draconic, then she asked Blake in Common "How may I help you?"

"I would only ask something of you, Your Grace," answered Blake. "Trevor's been my friend for a long time, and if you're going to save him, let me help you."

"You would risk your life for my son?" asked Kara. "How close were you to him?"

"He was the Captain of my squad, Your Grace," answered Blake. "We fought together in the war a year ago. We became close very quickly."

"If you're so intent on helping me, then it's best that we discuss this matter alone," the Queen suggested, then she turned to Theon and spoke in Draconic "Why don't you show Julien around the city?"

"Yes, my Queen," said Theon. He led Julien to the top of the pit, and into the streets of Dragonbarrow. It was a beautiful city, with four different districts on the northeastern, northwestern, southeastern, and southwestern quadrants, as Theon told him. Julien couldn't begin to imagine the history of the city and how old it was, but there was only one thing he truly cared about.

"Is there a hospital or an apothecary?" he asked, in Draconic.

"I believe there is," answered Theon. "Why?"

"My friend is sick," said Julien.

"Are you speaking of Blake?" asked Theon, and Julien nodded his head. "She does not seem ill. What is her condition?"

"It's venom," said Julien. "She was bitten by a sand dweller last night."

"I am not aware of what a sand dweller is."

"They're huge insect-like monsters that come from beneath the sand at night," Julien started. "They have venomous fangs that are as long as that sword you put at my throat, they're covered in an incredibly thick exoskeleton, and they..."

"Oh, you mean a giant millipede," corrected Theon.

"I guess it's one of those but with a snake's head," said Julien. "She was bitten by one."

"You say it was last night?"


"Then, follow me," Theon led him to the southeastern district of the city, and even to the edge of that. A small temple was half-buried in the sand dunes, and it had a familiar statue standing on its roof. It was a marble statue of an armored warrior with wings in his helmet, and holding a sword, pointing its blade downwards. It was Baldur, the Epsilon god of light.

"I thought you worshipped the Great Dragons," said Julien.

"They are not the only gods," corrected Theon. "The Great Dragons created Zenartha, the Epsilon deities created us, you, and the Epsilon."

"Not to mention demons," added Julien.

"I thought the Dark One was slain two decades ago."

"He, or it, was,"

"Come," said Theon. "She is inside."

Aetherian(Part 1): A War BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now