Three Days

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I wake up in Colin's bed instantly in my feelings. For one because I was leaving to go back to North Carolina for Thanksgiving today and because it was raining really hard.

Wow time has really flown by. We're closer to the championship games, my twenty first birthday came and went, and I've gotten closer with Colin. I've been really happy all because of him. Even though we have been together for a while, I just feel like something is going to happen. This rain is putting me in my feelings.

The rain sounded amazing and all I wanted to do was cuddle with the gorgeous man beside me but I couldn't because I was too awake.

I detangle myself from him to stretch but he groans and pulls me back down cuddling into my side.

I smile and lay there for a minute and giggle tracing his cheek with my finger making him smile. I trace his lips and he kisses my finger lightly and then I straddle his hips and burry my face into his neck listening to the rain pound on the window.

It's so depressing because I leave to go back to the east coast which means I don't get to see Colin for like the next three days and it's going to be weird being in different time zones.

Forget a time difference.

His arms wrap around me and we just lay in bed in comfortable silence. He traces patterns on my back and I kiss his cheek. I'm really going to miss him even though I'll be gone for only three days. I've grown so attached to him it honestly scares me.

Another thing I have on my mind is Corrine. I feel like she's going to try some shit while I'm gone. I hope to God she doesn't. I trust Colin completely but not her.

His arms get tighter around me and I relax into him.

"Stop worrying... Everything's goin' to be fine. You have nothing to worry about." he said in his sleepy voice. How could I worry when he sounds so sexy.

"You know I worry all the time. I can't help it..." I say.

"You're gonna get gray hair from all of your worrying."

"Too late." I say rolling my eyes.

"You have gray hair?"

"Have, had, I don't know. I've dyed my hair like 4 times so I don't know if you'll find any now..."

All of a sudden I just feel him shifting through my hair and pulling it every which way trying to find strands of gray.

It felt kind of good so I didn't really complain and soon I drifted back off to sleep because I just love getting my hair played with.

Three hours later I'm scrambling around his room throwing stuff in my suitcase because of the little nap I decided to take. I feel like I'm late as ever for my flight that leaves in an hour.

Colin is watching me amusedly from his bed while I fly around his room. I should smack the shit out of him right now.

I throw a shirt and hit him right in the face. He takes it and throws it right back at me. I pick up one of his cologne bottles and fake throw it at him and he flinched. I laughed extra hard. Scared ass.

After making sure I had everything packed I showered, brushed my teeth, and did my hair. After double checking everything we are soon headed off to the airport.

20 minutes later we're there and I don't really want to leave. I know it's only for three days but it's three days too long.

Colin and I sit in his car until I have to go inside. We sit in silence just listening to the rain with the radio in the background. I feel so pitiful right now.

I look at the clock and I really have to go in before I miss my plane. I start gathering my stuff and Colin just stares ahead. I sigh and start kissing on his cheek to get his attention. He smiles and I feel butterflies as usual.

I look around and it's extra crowded with people everywhere trying to get in and out. I really hate crowds. I mentally prepare myself and open the door and Colin stops me.

I look back at him and he pulls out my duffle bag from the back seat.

Now I only have 10 minutes to to get to my gate. I have to hustle now. I quickly kiss Colin and try to leave but he pulls me back and kisses me slow and sweet and I just relax.

We eventually pull apart and I'm no longer relaxed at all.

"Let me know when you land and when you get home. And expect me to blow up your phone too."

"Yes daddy..." I say rolling my eyes.

"Come back home to me. I'll miss you so much. I love you Shanya."

I almost cried. He is so sweet. "I promise I'll come back home to you. I always will. I love you too Colin."

He smiles brightly at me and I give him one last look before I go in.

I make it to my gate just in time. Right now I really don't care because I just want to be with Colin over everything. This is going to be a long flight.

Four hours later I'm sitting in the car with my mom and in my feelings because all she talks about is Colin and how she low key doesn't like him because of "what she heard".

I tune her out and text Colin all the way home from the airport about random stuff. I do leave out the part about my mom though. She has no reason to dislike him when she hadn't even met him yet. I keep trying to tell her that the media's perception of him and him in person are two completely different things but she doesn't want to listen.

She's fussing at me telling me to listen but I really don't want to. She keeps telling me that it isn't going to work out and that she knows what she's talking about.

Okay mom. That's great. No one cares.

These three days need to go by fast because I'm annoyed.

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