The Condo

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*Just a quick little author's note! As I said a few chapters ago Corban's name has been changed to Corrine and the part where Heidi went into Shanya's office has been taken out and replaced with something/ someone else.

Now we're sitting in his condo in silence for what felt like forever, neither one of us willing to talk.

I look at him. He looked like he aged in just a month and a half. What has he gotten himself into?

On one hand, I want to be here for him on the other hand I just want to run.

"So story time?" I say wanting him to start. I was not about to just sit here in silence.

Colin looks up at me wide eyed and a little scared. He grabs my hands and I instinctively try to pull away but he holds mine tightly between his... Okay...

"Before we started officially started dating, I went to see Corrine because she wanted to talk. At first I thought it was a bad idea because we hadn't talked in four years." I'm five seconds away from leaving him.

So he basically lied when he said he hasn't seen her in four years...

"So we talked and she told me she missed me and how she wanted us to get back together. I told her that I didn't want to because I wanted you and she started crying. I felt bad about it so I tried to comfort her and she took it the wrong way."

I feel like this story is not going to get any better. "Soon she was on top of me, kissing me, and touching me outside of my pants. I tried to stop but I didn't and then we just ended up fuckin'. It was an accident... " This story is trash.

I cannot believe what I am hearing right now.

"YOU HAD SEX WITH HER? COLIN HOW FUCKING COULD YOU?!" I start screaming at him and pushing him while trying to get in his face as much as my five foot five inch self would allow.

"How in the hell does your dick accidentally slip into another bitch?!" I literally cannot stand the sight of him.

"Why does it matter? Corrine and I fucked before you and I were really together anyways."

"It matters because you got her fucking pregnant, Colin. You possibly have a child on the way by that bitch." I say staring at him. I refuse to cry in front of him right now.

"Don't you dare call her out of her name! She's pregnant with my baby! How could you? If you really love me then you will accept the fact that I have a baby on the way"

Really Colin... Really? "Colin I don't give a fuck at this point. How are you even sure that baby is yours?" I'm really fishing for another argument.


"Because I'm not." I say rolling my eyes.

"I don't understand why you're being so damn complicated. We fucked, she got pregnant. Oh well."

"Colin, seriously? You're having a child with your ex bitch and you act like it's no big deal."

Why can't he grasp that he possibly got that girl pregnant? She's carrying a little baby inside of her that could be his.

He smirks at me and I don't like it. "You're just jealous."

That's when I slap the hell out of him.

"Jealous of some conniving little bitch? Colin go to hell." I say pushing him. I really need to stop pushing him before he snaps on me and back slaps me into a damn wall. I keep forgetting he's a 230 pound quarterback.

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