what the fuck am i doing with my summer

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Flash Back
"Hey (y/n) come here for a sec?"
I got up from bed and went to where I heard my name being called.
My mom was on the couch with my... uNClE cAmEroN. "Hey Campbell," I said whilst getting a spot on the couch. "Why are you here this time? Did you actually wanna visit your niece?!?!2? or are we dealing with the whole 'you say you're only staying for like a weekend then you proceed to stay for like a following three months then bail' situation?"
He looked around, trying to think of what to say cause I caught him on his bull crap. "Actually (y/n) I was wondering if you could attend that camp I run on Lake Lilac? " I was suspicious of his actions to ask me but I thought I'd listen through. But then my mom cut in. "You see, people haven't been attending your uncles camp like they used to due to technology and what not, cant you do him a favor and go? Then you could tell your friends about all the fun you had there!" Oof my poor mom was such an idiot, don't get me wrong I love her but she's so clueless and Cameron always manipulates her. "Can't I just say I went?  You know praise its glory from our air-conditioned house with indoor plumbing and wifi?" My mom just stared at me and said "just go to the fucking camp."
I thought it was kinda ironic seeing how Cameron wants me to go to his lame camp but wont even fucking take me there himself, leaving to me sit in the back of a beatdown bus.  I was literally the only one on it except for the driver.  I looked out the window and noticed we were getting closer to camp. The bus came to an abrupt halt. "We're here." The driver grumbled.
I was hesitant to get off, ya know seeing how I fucking hate leaving my room but hey, in a 'family crisis' you gotta help right?
"Little lady you gotta get off the bus."
I gathered all my thoughts and emotions together and just buried it deeeeeeep down in a place I'll never find again. I put a neutral face on and got up, ready to face whatever the fuck was going to happen once I stepped outside of the bus doors.
They flung open, revealing a redhead, and an angst-ridden teen."Welcome new camper! I'm david your camp counselor, and this young man over here is max."
He fluffed up the boys hair. "Get your fucking hands off me david" Max looked at me, analyzing my face, I'm pretty sure he was trying to find a weakness or something, idk. "Take a picture it'll last longer." I remarked. His expression turned to shock, almost like he didn't expect that. I turned to face David, "So where's my tent broseph?"

*bro idek 🙃 but like wow another book dont take it tooo seriously its just to get my creative juices flowing again*-Allie <3

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