see you next summer?

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3rd pov
Camp was ending in a few days and (y/n) had still not talked to Max. Sasha eventually gave Mr. Honey Nuts back but still wanted revenge. Everyone had finally eased up on Max giving him his old friends again.

Y/n's pov
I clicked the contact on my phone, waiting for her to pick up."Hey mom, can you get me from camp? I know there's only three days left but I wanna come home I miss you." I lied. "Ok I'll see you at six."  So this is it huh? Guess I better tell Gwen I'm leaving early.
I headed over to the councilors cabin, within one knock the door opened.
"(Y/n) just the gal I wanted to see!" I looked up and saw a smiling David. 'He works too' I thought. "What's poppin?" I ask nonchalantly.
"Well, your uncle called us the other day and wanted me to tell you something but we couldn't find you."
Maybe cause I was at my crying spot in the woods contemplating every decision that had led me to attend this camp.
"Oh I was just walking around... What does he want?"
"He wants to give you the camp."
I sarcastically laughed, "Haha very funny."
"I-I'm being serious."
"But I'm a kid!"
"That's what I told him! But he kept saying that fifteen was the perfect age to run your own camp." David replied sounding really jealous.
"Uh do you want it?"
"Oh I couldn't possib-"
"I mean it's my camp and I wanna give it to you. You love this place probably more than your own family so it wouldn't be right to take it away."
I could see tears forming at the corner of his eyes. "Hey (y/n)?" He said while still making direct eye contact. "Yes David?" He crouched down to my height and said "Thanks."
To which I replied with, "Anytime kiddo"
I awkwardly coughed almost forgetting the real reason I came to the cabin. "David, my moms gonna pick me up early."
"Like on the last day? That's perfectly fine."
I sheepishly looked up at him. "As in today at six."
"WHy aRE YOU tELLInG ME THIS nOw?!" His voice was coated in panic. "Because it was sudden okay?!" Now I was staring to panic.
"Why do you want to go in the first place?"
"Cause of max,"
"What did he do this time?"
"No no it's not him, it's me." His face looked very puzzled. "I have been thinking this over for a while and I think I love him!" I said that last part a little to loud. "But your onl-" I cut him off, "Only fifteen I know but, this doesn't feel like a normal crush kinda deal."
"Well what are you gonna do?"
"I'm gonna tell him before I leave."
He stood back up to his full height,
"Okay (y/n)"
I walked away from the cabin but could overhear his squeals of excitement caused by my oh so generous heart. Besides who thinks giving a teenager their own camp is a good idea?! My uncle I guess... I'd be perfectly fine with cash.

David's pov
I can't believe that just happened, I have to tell Gwen and the campers. This calls for a.... BONFIRE!


Y/n's pov
Almost sundown and I still don't have the balls to tell him. I looked down at my phone and noticed a text~

I'm running a bit late be there around six forty! ❤️

lol it's fine see you soon

*idk why I chose chicky ass your screen name, just roll with it*

"Ugh just great..." I mumble under my breath. Guess having some marshmallows wouldn't hurt. I sat down next to David who explained the big news, "Yup it's gonna be all mine!" He radiated joy.
"But uh (y/n) you're guaranteed a job as a counselor if you ever need it." He chuckled genuinely.
"Maybe next summer" I winked. The trio finally decided to show up when David started playing camp songs. After one was over he leaned into my ear and said "Is she still coming? It's totally ok if you need to spend another night"
"Running late" I whispered back. He nodded in affirmation.
*does that make sense? prob not*
"Hey I have an idea, let's have some camper sings some songs!" Gwen piped up, at first I was confused with her sudden enthusiasm but then I noticed she was just going to  record everyone singing terribly off key.
"Hey (y/n) should sing!" Preston piped up. I gave him a death glare, others agreed and I eventually gave into peer pressure.
I looked up at David, and whispered the song to him.
Gwen looked like she was never gonna let me live this down if I fucked up, which made the situation even more nerve wracking then it already was.
He began to strum and I started to sing "There's a place I know that's tucked away, a place where you and I can stay. Where we can go to laugh and play and have adventures everyday. I know it sounds hard to believe but guys and gals it's true, camp campbell is the place for me and you." I proceeded to sing the lyrics and shockingly aced the fast part.
"Jesus (y/n) you never told us you can sing." Gwen commented looking annoyed that she didn't have any blackmail material.
"I never knew I could." I replied looking down to avoid unnecessary eye contact.
"Yeah you were amazing..." I know that voice. Looking up I locked eyes with him.
"Thanks," I smiled. "Uh Max?" He looked shocked to see I actually responded. Before I could finish my sentence, I could hear a car arrive and I saw it was my mom.
"Guess this is my cue to go..."
"Wait (y/n) you're leaving early?" Ered asked. "Let me give you my number!" Nerris and Preston said simultaneously.
"I still never got to pull my prank on youuuu" Nikki whined.
Everyone started crowding me, asking for anyway to get ahold of me. Well, everyone minus a cunt waffle.
My mom started to honk signaling she was getting impatient. Before entering the car I walked up to max and said,
"I'll never forget you, loser."
If only I told him those three words


*kddkkdsj I finished a book!! Don't worry there will be a second one I'm not done y/n just yet ;) oof did you guys enjoy the book? was it bad? cliche? tell me what you thought!*

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