that mother fucking bitch

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There I sat in my bed, staring at the ceiling of my tent contemplating my situation

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There I sat in my bed, staring at the ceiling of my tent contemplating my situation. "What was I to him, just a summer hook up or something more?" I thought, not realizing I said it out loud. The flaps of the tent burst open revealing Gwen wide eyed. "You have a summer boyfriend!?" She interrogated.
"Shhh! Keep it down no one knows!" I whisper shouted. She threw herself on the spare bed in the tent, and had her head in her hands. She kept doing that weird leg thing where you swing them back and forth, and she looked insane. "Tell me all the details!" I was hesitant, but I needed someone to talk to. Nerris would probably die from shock and Preston would wanna write some stupid play about how 'tragic' this 'forbidden love' was.
I sighed, "Fine I'll tell you... Only if you promise to never EVER tell anyone." She nodded then pretend zipped her mouth shut. "So... max-" "MAX!???" I quickly cover her mouth with my hands. "I told you to be quiet!"

*a week later*

Soon Gwen and I became really close friends, we had a sisterly bond. Sometimes she would let me into the counselors cabin to watch horror movies with her while the campers were sleeping, it was pretty great.
I started to head over to the Mess Hall, I noticed there were fliers staples onto the wall about some stupid dance gathering thing, it wasn't that important to really pay much attention to. When I walked in the first thing I heard was a shout from Nikki.
Fuck, did max tell Nikki? I'll just walk over and see how he acts towards me.
"Hey guys!" I said then I turned and faced the boy. "Oh and hello to you too max..." I rolled my eyes. I was kinda expecting him to say "Oh (y/n) I told them about us." Instead I got a glare.
"Our gOod ol' pal Max here has got a girlfriend. Wanna know who it is?" He just groaned, "Nikki can you try not to tell everyone you see that I'm dating Sasha- oops." I felt my heart sink. I thought back to a week ago, and I guess I found my answer. I was nothing more than some stupid summer hookup.
"Oh..." My straight back turned into a slouch. I faced the other direction and started walking, which turned to jogging, and then running. I didn't know where to go or what to do or even how to feel.
I felt cheated on and yeah I know we weren't dating but it still fucking hurt. I thought maybe  we could have been something, guess I was wrong.
I ended up sitting in the woods alone crying for hours, heartbroken .
The end.....


When I finally stopped, I brushed off the dirt on my legs and took a deep breath in. I shoved my emotions deep down in a place where I could never find them again and headed towards the counselor cabin. But the sadness turned to anger, and anger doesn't want to stay locked up. When I arrived I flung the door open and shouted, "GweN!"
She looked up from her magazine blankly.
"I need revenge."

*and that the end of this chapter hope you liked it and just a reminder this story isn't over I'm just a meanie who likes to play pranks ;P*

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