teenage tension

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*that title sounds weird*

"max, (y/n)..." David was hesitant to finish his sentance. "i guess you two are partners..." Gwen fell out of her chair from shock. "David, you cant let these little twerps be partners, theyre just gonna fight the whole time!"
David looked really fucking confused, and over whelmed. "UHhh, anyone down to switch partners....?" He worriedly asked.
No one agreed to, they all just awkwardly looked around and went back to talking amongst themselves.
David started panicking and Gwen went back to reading her trashy magazine. "Well," I said under my breath. "What if I was partners with Gwen..." Gwen looked up from her magazine. "wH a T?" David's face lit up "What a brilliant idea (y/n)!!" He shouted. "oh fuck no" I heard max mumble.
"David we hid the items so we can't be their partners." DaviD looked defeated and a bit annoyed. "Aw hooey."

*yeet soRrY thiS was short*

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