Sunshine blehhh

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"so we're partners..."
"yeah honestly why didn't Nikki or Neil just switch with you?" He scratched his chin"maybe cause the author wanted to cause some romance but tension between us"
I nodded, it seemed understandable.
"Let's just get this over with..." I looked down at the list

~a happy cloud~
~giving grass~
~positive pudding cup~
~golden sunshine~
~yadda yadda you get the idea~

"What the actual fuck are these items?" Max asked.
"I don't know but I can't keep reading that it's way too peppy. If that's even the right word to use to describe this love child list of my little pony and motivational posters."
"You know we could always just bail, no ones forcing  us to have to do this." I looked at max and proceeded to say, "BUt David-"
He cut me off by pressing his finger against my lip "You really think that spineless baby  man is gonna wanna pick a fight with an angry angtsy 15 year old ?"
"Uhh maybe?" He groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. "You're a fucking idiot."
  I started walking away when he shouted back at me "W h e r e a r e y o u g o i n g?" I turned back to face him. "To get pudding cups, not only are they yUM but it's on the list, so Gwen and David cant give us shit for 'not trying'." I could hear max groan but in agreement, he followed.


"you know, as much as i hate this nightmare of a camp they have the best pudding ever." I nodded in agreement. "its pretty suspicious on how good it tastes."
i lifted my spoon and pointed it at him, for dramatic effect. " So maxwell-"
"its max"
"So mAXWeLL, what camp did you sign up for?"
He kinda just looked down.
"Its not important"
There was an awkward silence which i cleared by saying, "Well i siGned uP for sfx camp and by  signed up i mean my mom knew i liked that shit so she unwillingly sent me here"
MAx just laughed  "well seeing how this camps a total fraud, your supplies are bound to be very limited." I tee-hee-d which caused his face to contort into a confused look. "well duH that's why i brought my own stuff. My uncles great and all but hes a huge ass con, i would be an idiot to not think of bringing my own supplies."
Shit, i just exposed myself.
Max's jaw dropped,"YoUre ReLatEd To hiM, i gOttA tell tHe guys" "mAx dONT!"
shit shit shit Uhh PlaY The pITy cARd.
"i trusted you, it was a dumb thing to do in hindsight, but, i did. We were finally getting along, we could have been friends or something."
"See that's the thing (y/n) we aren't going to be friends, like ever. You're super annoying and I cant see why Nikki and Neil haven't just dropped you as a friend yet, maybe they pity your worthless self. Well, sayonara sucker, I'm off to make your life a living hell!"

and thats how i ended up eating the camp's month supply of pudding in an afternoon while wallowing in my own depreciation and max's i guess.

*ehhhhhhh this was decent. Trust me I have a plot, I'm just building up the tension so I can finally move the story along. I wanna base the next chapter on S1 E7 so it's gonna be pretty scripted- Allie <3*

Life Sucks But You Make It Better - Max x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now