make up your mind y/n

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"(Y/n)!! We need to talk!" I recognized that annoyingly pitched voice. It was his voice. "I know you can hear me."
I kept ignoring the fucker, hoping he'd just leave. Alas, he was persistent and kept bugging me.  "I thought I told you to never speak to me again." He rolled his eyes, "But this is important."
"Is there a fire?"
"Has david found another lover but they left him so he's crying into ben and jerrys ice cream?"
"Then it's not important." I walked away leaving him behind.
"Just listen to me!" I pitied him and turned around. He walked up to me then grabbed my arm.
Boy does this feel familiar.
He brought me inside his tent.
We were alone.
My face felt hot, as much as I hated to admit it, I still had a thing for him.
Which sucked major ass seeing how I'm supposed to despise him.
Oh hormones why did you have to go after this one?
"Look, I really like you. But Sasha has kinda got something of mine and won't give it back until she makes your life a 'living hell'."
"So you didn't mean what you said?"
"Not at all."
I smiled but it quickly faded. "What does she even have?" He shifted uncomfortably, "Uh rather not say..." I playfully shoved his shoulder.
"Oh c'mon I won't judge." I wonder what it could be? Maybe a phone? Favorite shirt? His one of a kind custom made coffee mug?
*lets be honest cannonly he would have a custom mug*
"It's uh, a stuffed animal." I chuckled a bit but he frowned, seeming hurt.
"You're serious?"
"Uh why wouldn't I be?"
"Hmm I don't know maybe cause you're fifteen!" I scoffed, "Dude I stopped sleeping with them when I was eight, latest nine"
"So what if I sleep with it now?"
"Wait wait, this means you chose a stuffed bear over me?"
"Uh maybe ?"
"That is so dumb!"
"Calm down (y/n)"
"I can't 'calm down' you chose fleece and stuffing over your friend! Maybe even girlfriend if I had the balls to ask you on a date."
"(Y/n) please-"
"And to think I was gonna give you a second chance!"
"You're being irrational" I stopped shouting for a second and took some deep breaths. Once I was finally calmed down i spoke again.
"You know, at first I was sad summer was ending. But the faster fall comes, the faster I get to never see your face, ever again."
I left his tent and returned to whatever I was doing before that cunt waffle so rudely interrupted me.
A cunt waffle I wished I didn't like anymore.

*oh surprise surprise (y/n) is mad at max again. maybe she's perioding who knows? oh wait i do! look at me go two chapters in a dayyy*

Life Sucks But You Make It Better - Max x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now