yeet yeet you dun fucked up

534 21 13

*I wrote this in a Home Depot while sitting on flatten cardboard boxes*

Max's pov
"Sasha I can't do this anymore, I keep hurting her." There I stood in front of a pink haired, Starbucks loving demon. Ever since word got out about (y/n) and I everyone hated me, more so than usual. Even Nikki and Neil stopped talking to me, I was alone.
"Oh Max, need I remind you that us flower scouts still have your precious bear and as long as we have it you have to do as I say. Unless, you want something to happen to Mr. HoneyNuts...." She hissed.
"No don't hurt him! He's all I have anymore now that everyone treats me like the plague."
"That's what I thought... So she's been hurting huh?" I sadly nodded my head.
"That's means my plan is working." She smiled devilishly.
"Honestly Sasha you need to get over this stupid grudge it's been what five years? This isn't healthy." Her neck snapped around and her eyes drilled deep into my soul. "I suffered for months, all I'm doing is returning the favor."

*Sasha=Satan conformed?¿*

Life Sucks But You Make It Better - Max x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now