sp00ky island

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*freeze frame zoom in thingy*
"Hey, it's me (y/n) I'm breaking the fourth wall right now. Anyways, you might be wondering how I got into this situation. Well, it started once I arrived at spooky island."

"I'll be back to get you two once the sun sets." Quartermaster yeeted back to Camp Campbell, leaving Max and me alone. together. alone.
"SoOoOo-" I said trying to start a friendly conversation but Max interrupted me. "Yeah no, you didn't think I was actually gonna try to be buddy buddy with you right?" I rolled my eyes. "Listen, I get it, you hate me but, if you're not doing this for the others do it for Niel and Nikki. They also have to suffer through our consistent arguments. Look, I can leave you alone but when we get back just pretend you like me okay?"

whats this another POV??

(Y/n) walked away leaving me alone. Well fuck. Why did I say that?? 'yOU diDnt thiNK iwAS goNNa ActuaLLY TrY?' Ugh I hate myself. Jesus (y/n) there's something about you that just drives me crazy but, I kinda like it.

now back to our regularly scheduled POV

UGHH I hate him he's the actual worst! But why does he make my heart race when I'm around him? I bet its nothing...
I jumped in fear, "who's there? I have uhhh..." I looked around for a weapon. I saw a sharp stick and picked it up. "...A KNIFE AND IM NOT AFRAID TO USE IT!" A boy popped out from the bushes, he looked around 10 maybe 11? All I knew for sure was that his clothes were hella outdated. "Well hiya broseph I'm Jasper!"
"Well jasper, if you don't mind me asking, WhAT ThE hELL aRe yOu doinG oN spOoKy iSlAnD alOne?!" Jasper looked startled at my sudden outburst. I didn't mean to scare him I was just really concerned.
"Don't have a cow on me dude!" That when it hit me, Jasper was a ghost. "Um Jasper? Are you a ghost?" His face lowered and his smile left. "Uh if I answer promise you won't scream?" I nodded, knowing there had to be some sort of coincidence for this all. Pfft ghosts those aren't real.
"Yeah I am."
"Oh no please don't be scared of me!"
I stopped screaming and started to laugh I 'patted' his back. "Oh silly Jasper I'm not scared of you, just the entire way I've perceived life and death got proven wrong so I mean I'm kinda having an existential crisis."
Jasper just nodded with an understanding look on his face. I looked up at the sky and noticed it was getting dark. "Oh fuck, I need to get back to the docks!"
"Why do you have to go so soon?"
"It's a long story..."
"I have time" He smirked. I started walking but he didn't follow. I turned around and motioned for him to follow me, that's when I explained everything.
"Well (y/n) it sounds like you have a crush on this Max fellow, you just haven't accepted it yet."
"Well, looks like I should be going." I looked to where he was gesturing and it was max walking toward me. "Good luck" He winked then disappeared into the night.
"Where the fuck have you been? I've been walking around this island trying to find you. It's almost dark out Quarter master should be here soon." I crossed my arms and smirked at him. "What?" He questioned.
"Aww does wittle Max cawe about me?" I teased and I could have sworn I saw a tint of pink, but it could jut be my imagination.
"Yeah yeah whatever I just didn't want everyone at camp thinking I killed you."
I looked out onto the horizon, I couldn't see Quartermaster anywhere. So I sat down on the docks with my legs hanging over the edge. Max looked confused but I waved for him to come over.
"The stars are nice tonight huh?" I leaned backwards and laid down. "I guess they are.." Max turned to face me, our faces were pretty dang close. "I- I'm sorry for being an asshole to you." I stared at max for a while, I had no idea what came over me but I just kinda kissed him.
"Ah shit sorry idk why i did-"
I was silence by another pair of lips pressed against mine, it was nice.
When we finally parted we noticed QM staring right at us. "How long hav you been here?" He just smiled, which was kinda rare for him. Ten he laUghEd, who is this and what hav you done with QM?!?
"I won't say anything, swear on my hook."
When we finally got back, everyone was around the docks waiting for us. "So how'd it go?" Gwen hesitantly asked. We looked at each other wide eyed. "I mean I still fucking hate her but we're cool I guess." At first I was really offended but then I noticed a wink thrown my way. I then nodded agreeing to his statement. "Yeah we agreed not to fight for your sake, besides summers ending soon so I'm pretty sure we can last that long without a fight."
Everyone's faces pulled the 'are you sure about that' look. Gwen sent us off to our cabins so we could all sleep and get 'refreshed' for the next day.
Soon enough making out on the docks was kinda our recurring thing. The only one who really knew about our 'relationship' was Quartermaster.
In the daylight Max and I made everyone think we were still repulsed with one another and by night we took QMs boat to spooky island and just kinda did stuff.
Not necsisarely sexual things, sometimes we would stargaze or throw rocks into the lake and saw how far they skipped.

*yall I got a major plot twist in store for you just wait and see mwuahaha-Allie <3*

Life Sucks But You Make It Better - Max x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now