tee hee girly montage idk her i only know BAD BITCH MONTAGE

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*play the music ;)*

"You want me to what?"
I just groaned, "Ugh Gwen get it through your head! I'll explain it one more time, nice and slow so you get it... and pay attention." I smacked the magazine out of her hand. "I want you to help me get revenge on Max for being a fucking asshole and toying with my emotions. Do you have that so far?" She nodded.
"And how exactly am I supposed to help?" I went right into her face, "Make me a bad bitch, you know like the ones on that trashy show you watch?" Her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. "You want me to give you a makeover? A bad bitch make over? I'm so honored!"
There I sat in a chair, Gwen grabbed a conveniently placed bag of make up and got to work.
"Oh I totally forgot, but we're doing a Summer Social tonight, cause you know it's for plot." My face contorted into a confused look. "Your point?"
"Well that means all the camps are gonna be there, you can like totally rub your beauty in BOTH Max and Sasha's faces!" I looked up at Gwen and smiled. "You my friend are a fucking genius."
"Y-you really think so? I saw it on 'generic reality tv show' " She asked almost surprised to be getting a compliment. "And they say reality tv isn't worth watching..." I joked. "Aannnddd done."
Gwen handed me a mirror and smiled. "Wow I look... like a fucking babe wtf is this sorcery?"
"Make up my dear." I looked down at my outfit, I was wearing my camp shirt and shorts.
"By any chance do you have clothes I can borrow?" Gwen thought for a moment then walked out of the cabin, and came back with some clothes in a bag.
"When I'm bored and not working I online shop and impulsively buy things with the little money I have." She handed me the bag. "I mean they don't fit me but you can dig around and see if there's anything you like that fits."
I found an outfit I liked and tried it on in the bathroom.
When I stepped out Gwen's jaw dropped. "You go girl!" She snapped her fingers in a Z motion. I went to a full body mirror that was conveniently placed in the councilors cabin. Gwen walked up behind me and put her hands on my shoulders.
"They won't know what hit 'em."

*oof ok so I'm planning on putting what the lEWk looks like in the next chapter but if you don't like it then change it I guess?*

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