the ga- i mean play

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"wHEre iS sHe"
Max was currently on a rampage, cause he got cast in Preston's play. I had been avoiding him all day, in the case, he found out it was me who did it.
Well shit, he found me.
"YOU DID THIS TO ME" He shouted directly in my face.
I laughed, "Well duh, think of it as... payback. Besides you need to be more involved in camp activities anyways~" I sang while walking the other way.
(Not literally sing btw oof)
I could sense the pure and utter rage within him, and frankly, I found it hilarious. So started to chuckle.
"Why the hell are you laughing bitch."
I turned to face him and I simply stated, "idk..." but I did know. I genuinely found max's anger to be funny. I just thought that his built up angst was something out of a movie, so it was entertaining to me, I guess. "UGh whatever" he grumbled.


I was backstage when I heard David tell the campers to quiet down. Of course, they didn't listen to him, which caused Gwen to shout into a megaphone at them. They all immediately shut their bitch ass mouths up. "Thank you, thank you. It is with greAT pleasure that I welcome you to tonight's production- written and directed of course bi me. It is a classic tale about forbidden love, beTRAyAL, and friendship. So without further ado, I present to you, Romeo and Juliet II: Love Resurrected." And with that Preston took a bow and exited the stage.
"This is absolutely humiliating." Max had said while adjusting his beard. He was looking straight at me, or should I say glaring. I could overhear Niel whining about some flamethrower, which was followed by Nikki complaining about her role as Juliet. I kinda just tuned out what was going on after I saw Max make kissy faces at Niel.
"Has anyone seen my phone? I must have dropped it after doing my smile exercises." David asked. Which was then followed by Gwen saying, "Don't admit to doing that."
I overheard max sinisterly laugh, but I thought not much of it because c'mon this is max we're talking about. "WIZARD YOU'RE ABOUT TO GET YOUR CUE, I WILL NOT HAVE YOU RUFFIANS RUIN MY BIG DEBUT! NOW GET!" Preston scolded then shoved max on stage. I was just minding my business when a short blonde girl came up to me, she was followed bi two other girls.
"uMMM excuse meee?" She asked. "Have you by any chance seen a boy wearing a yellow turtleneck around?" I assumed she was talking about Niel so I pointed towards him and said, "Do you mean Niel?" The blonde girl's eyes lit up while the other two looked like they wanted death. "Um, wHY is He dResseD LiKe a robOt mAn?" The red haired chick holding a pumpkin spice latte inquired.
"Oh, my friend Preston is putting on some weird spinoff of Romeo and JUULiet and he so happens to be playing Romeo." I explained. She then asked if there was still going to be a kissing scene, to which I responded with yes. "uuHH if you don't mind me asking, who is playing Juliet?"
When I had told them who it was, the blonde went towards Nikki.
After intermission, everyone went back to their seats like good little boys and girls. Niel was on stage, standing on a rock doing some sort of self-monologue, when suddenly the blonde girl from earlier, was on stage wearing Nikki's costume, and to be honest she looked goooooooood.
"Uhhhh Tabii? With two i's?" The blonde, or should I say Tabii responded with, " No yon fool, I'm Juliet your one true love. Doth you not remember? I am no specter. I have been revived!"
Preston was admiring her acting while I was just admiring ;) . Next thing I knew, she was headed straight for a kiss from Niel but, it was rudely interrupted by a muscular black woman named Bonquisha. She went on a tangent about how 'David' was cheating on her or something. Tabii then proceeded to jump attack Bonquisha which lead to a huge commotion.
The fight was finally broken up after the fucking FBI showed up. "We've pinpointed some questionable searches from a phone in this area."
"Such searches include how to blow up a summer camp, supper murder plot and what do boobies look like."
David looked at his phone and said, "Ah, dangit." He was abruptly tackled and dragged away. "You can take me to prison! I've been framed, I'm just like Steven Avery!"
Preston looked like he was having a mental break down and mentioned something about teen girl abortions. So everything was going to shit.
Max sighed and said "Wait, I can fix this. Everyone stop!" He walked toward Bonquisha. "Bonquisha, I'm sorry. You were texting me all along. I took David's phone just to mess with him, I led you on."
"oh NOboDy plAys bOnQuiSha like that." From the audience, you could hear Gwen shout, "Kick his ass!"
Tabii wanted an apology too but Max just brushed her off. "The kid apologized so I'd say he learned a lesson." One of the agents asked David if he knew the whereabouts of my uncle to which he responded no.
thank god
The two finally left after the whole max debacle  leaving a shit ton of confused looks on everyone's faces. Tabii ended up 'stabbing' herself then got dragged away by her friends.
Preston went on stage and apologized for the mess of his performance but got booed off stage.
I started to wonder where the fuck Nikki was and I eventually found her hanging from the catwalk of the theatre. I helped her down and I apologized for snapping at her. "It's okay (y/n) I get it you don't wanna be labeled as something you're not." We shared an embrace and headed back to our tents to get a good night of sleep.

*I FUCKING DID IT OML THIS TOOK FOREVERRRRR~ on another note you're just a little bit gay for tabii but don't worry you and max have something coming ; )- Allie <3*

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