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I was raised by two extremely generous parents. I was brought up in such a way that encouraged my siblings and I to give without end. A phrase that was very emphasized in my household is, "it is better to give than to receive".  And how true! 

Secularists may disagree, perhaps some Christians as well. But think about it, in this fleeting world would you really rather keep everything for yourself than give generously to others. Everything we have will one day disappear so why hold it in such selfishness? 

Give without want of a reward. 
Give without ulterior motive.
Give out of the goodness of you heart, not because you feel you have to or feel obligated to do so. Of course, you don't have to let people take advantage of you because of your generosity. For example, if your kid asks for candy, you don't just give it to them every time they ask because "you're generous". That would be unwise. There are circumstances in which freely giving aren't necessarily the best idea, but in the aspect of being kind and gift giving to people - we just have to be wise. 

Keep your attitude pure and clean while giving. Also, give in secret Don't boast about your giving. Be humble! Nobody likes a boaster. And do you think if you give and then mouth about it, then that's really generous? No, that would be giving with ulterior motive.... Which is what the bible specifically discourages. Don't just do good works when others are watching. Ask yourself, "why am I giving?". It's not so that others may see you, but so that you can bless others. 

Rebuke pride, walk in humility.
The secret to happiness is not to have more, but to be content with what you have. 
"Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." 

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