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As Christians we are to love everyone regardless of their actions or opinions. Scripture commands us to love our neighbor, but it also tells us to love our enemies. That's a hard thing to do isn't it? I know that sometimes I have a hard time forgiving people, like bullies, "friends" or people that are just downright mean. But love starts with forgiveness.

It's hard because sometimes all we want to do is smack a person and yell "why can't you just be nice?!"

But as Christians we have to set a good example of love.
We can't just show love in our words, but also our actions.
We must pray for those who hurt us and pray that God will change their hearts.

Psalm 28:3 states "Do not drag me away with the wicked, with those who do evil, but speak cordially with their neighbors but harbor malice in their hearts."
Even some Christians are like this. 
They are deceitful.
These are the kind of people that speak kind words to your face, but the moment you turn around, talk about you crudely.

I just have one question to ask you, 
do you ever do that?

Do you ever find yourself gossiping about someone?

How would they feel if they listened in on your conversation?

And maybe it's not even someone that you openly despise, but someone that you have an attitude towards in your heart.

Forgive, forgive, forgive.

Be understanding and simply pray for people. 

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