growing pains

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hey el has some trouble with her baby, so she turns to someone for help.

"he said he could.... fix her.... i don't know,"

"dr. martin brenner, please," el said, holding the baby carrier by the handle. charlotte, her four month old baby, was fast asleep, and had been since that morning.


"daughter," el said, then she nodded to the baby, "and i guess, that's his granddaughter. my name is jane wheeler,"

the woman pushed her glasses to the top of her nose and looked through some files. el's fingertips tapped the counter as the woman picked up the phone and called for somebody.

a few minutes later, a large man escorted her and the baby to room with a table and two chairs.

el sat cross-legged in the chair, an old habit that she never corrected, putting her hair up into a ponytail and watched charlotte's breaths.

suddenly, he came through the door.

el bit her lip as his tall, slim figure slid into the seat in front of her. el felt her heart race.

"so, when was i going to find out i was a grandpa?" he asked.

el gave him a hard stare, "i'm not here for you. you don't get any part in her life. not even when you get out, you understand?"

brenner laughed, "so you've come to me for.....what? advice on how to raise a child? you and i both know i'm pretty good at that,"

el clenched her fists, and quietly said, "you were a terrible father,"

"i was only doing what was best for you-"

el shook her head, "no, no you weren't. but that's not why-"

"we were in a war-"

"i don't care! i didn't come for questions about my past! i came-"

suddenly, charlotte popped out in front of el, sitting on the table, her head turned towards brenner. she was wide awake, her bright eyes looking towards brenner.

brenner gasped.

el bit her lip and grabbed charlotte and tried to put her back in the carrier, but she was somehow back on the table, in the same position, seeming to be amazed at brenner.

brenner laughed, "so this is why you wanted to see me?"

el didn't bother to try putting charlotte back. instead, she sighed, her eyes glassy, "i don't know what to do. i wanted her to have a normal life, but i ruined it,"

brenner smirked, "i can help you,"

el looked into her lap, "you can't. you're just saying so you can do.....experiments on me again- and her!"

brenner laughed, "you have no idea what you are. you are the first supernatural being on earth. you had so much potential. but no, you had a normal life. we would've helped you. and helped her. and her offspring as well,"

el drew her eyebrows together, "i don't know why i came here,"

brenner rolled his eyes, and before she got up, he said, "the drugs that caused your ability, the ones we gave to your mother,"

that got her attention. she focused back on brenner, as he spoke," we might be able to be counter act it. not for you. not for your dna, because the chemicals are attached to your dna and it would kill you, but for her, may be it's safe.... if they just began,"

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