first word

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there might be some competition for what mike&el's baby's first word will be.

"what was it? what did she say? did i win?"


"you know, they say babies start learning their first words around ten months?" el said, as she placed charlotte in her baby chair.

"really?" mike asked, looking up from his newspaper.

"yeah," el said, grabbing eggos out of the toaster, putting them on a two plates.

mike folded up his newspaper, and placed it on the table, looking at his little girl. she was wide awake and smiling at mike, squirming in her chair, reaching out for mike. mike placed his finger in front of her, and she grasped onto it.

mike chuckled, "i wonder what it will be,"

"oh it's going to be 'mama'" el said, seating herself across from mike.

mike raised his eyebrows and folded his arms on the table, "oh really?"

"yeah," el said, poking at her food, maintaining aggressive eye contact with mike.

"why is that?"

"because.....i'm her mom. she spent nine months in my stomach. i went through six hours of labor to push this baby girl out. i nurse her. so, naturally, she's more familiar with me," el said, taking a bite of her scrambled eggs.

"hmm. i disagree," mike said playfully, a smile on playing on his lips.

"okay, so what's your big argument?" el asked, folding her arms on the table to imitate mike.

"scientifically-" he started, as el rolled her eyes. this nerd always relied on science. he continued, "the d sound is more commonly used in the english language and will, therefore, allow for her to pick up on the sounds she's been hearing. also-"

"don't lie," el said, smiling.

"right there, see? you used a d- word," mike said as el rolled her eyes.

"well then, i guess i'll just have to say more m-words them, huh?" el asked.

"uh, no-" mike said.

el turned to charlotte, who was still wide awake and smiling, her arms reaching out towards el. el took charlotte's tiny hand in hers and said, "momma. can you say that for me, charlie? mommy made me mash my m&m's-"

"no fair!" mike said, then tuned to charlotte, "dad. daddy definitely defines democracy-"

el cut him off, "nuh-uh, you didn't have to go through labor-"

"well,i  don't really have a choice-"

"you can push out the next one, i'm not doing it"

"that's not how it works, el," mike said, giggling.

"fine," el said, leaning back in her chair, "we just won't be biased. we'll let it come naturally,"

"fine," mike said, crossing his arms.


two months later, charlotte still hadn't spoken an audible word. it was mostly baby blabber that couldn't be understood. but el tried to use m- words as opposed to words with d in them.

it was kind of ridiculous, but el wanted her first word to be mama. there was no way that mike was getting all the credit for el's work.

el got more time with her anyways. mike had to go back to work a long time ago, and he worked longer hours to get extra cash for the work el was missing. so he usually left the house at six in the morning and came back around six in the afternoon.

"i'm home, loves," mike called out, taking his bag off and lying it on the table. el was seated on the couch, with her legs folded, biting on her nails as her eyes were glued to the tv screen, watching a movie called mine, yours, and ours.

el smiled as soon as she saw him, "hey stranger"

"great. how are my girls?" mike asked, standing beside the tv, looking into the rocker that charlotte was lying in. everytime that mike came home from work, he always forgot how tiny she was. even though she was nearly a year old, mike still couldn't wrap his head around how one tiny baby can evolve into a human adult. 

mike's eyes flicked up towards el. he loked up at his hardworking wife in her pajama shorts and tank top, and thought about how she was once a child and how she had grown to become a diligent working woman. 

"she's asleep, but stinky. do you mind changing her diaper? i'm gonna start up dinner," el said, her eyes gazing at the baby. 

"of course," mike said as he picked her up, "diapers are......"

"under the bathroom sink, my love," el said as she washed her hands.

"okay, i love you," mike reminded her. 

el rolled her eyes, " i love you, too, nerd,"

mike chuckled from the other room. and as el started the grabbed a pot from the drying dish rack. 

she could hear mike's voice, "say it with me, daddy, d a d d y-"

el smiled. mike loved being a dad. he loved showing his love to everyone- to the baby and to el, constantly showering the two with kisses. mike always thought it was because mike never had a strong, present father figure. 

el knew mike didn't want charlotte growing up like that.  


"OH MY GOD," mike yelled.

el's heart fell as mike ran into the room, panting, and el said, panicked, "what! what happened? is she okay?"

but mike was smiling. he was smiling form ear to ear, "she said her first word!"

el's face broke out into a smile, "what? are you serious?"

mike was smiling and nodded, then ran back. el's eyes were wide as she ran after him, her bare feet making a slight tap on her floor.

el ran into the bathroom, as mike was saying, "say it again for mommy. say it again,"

el started, coming closer to, standing next to him, her eyes trained on the baby, her smile wide, "what was it? what did she say? did i win-"

"i wuv you," the baby babbled, a smile plastered on her face.

el's eyes widened as el looked up at mike, who was looking back down at el with a smile.

el's jaw dropped, "she said i love you,"

"i guess we just said it so much she picked up on it," mike said, wrapping and arm around her shoulder. el smiled and pressed a kiss to his lips, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"i wuv you," charlotte said.

mike chuckled, as they pull away, their foreheads still touching, "i love you, el wheeler. and this life we've created. this baby. i it and i love you,"

el giggled, "and i love you, mike wheeler. this life, this baby. and whatever comes next. more than you'll ever know"

i'm sorry it's been two weeks& this one kinda sucks and is short don't kill me. ap's are over so i have more
time to write.

also, charlotte made a comeback, if you remember her from nightmares.

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