134. Real Life

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Chris and Evelyn were currently on the set of supergirl since Evelyn had a scene to film and just as she was getting ready to get into her character when she gasped doubling over clutching at her stomach eyes clenched shut as a sharp pain pierced through her and everyone stopped what they were doing and rushed over to her side with Chris taking a hold of her hand

"Evie?" He asked concerned

"Shit" she hisses just as a swoosh sounded and everyone looked down to see a puddle of water around Evelyn and their eyes widened into saucers

"Get the car!" Chris heard someone yell as he panicked. The baby was on his way and they didn't grave anything for his arrival

"Come on Chris" he felt a pat in his back and cleared his head not caring about that but instead pickled Evelyn up in his arms and walked out of the studio and into his car

"Fuck" Evelyn whimpered as another contraction hit and she squeezed his hand but he didn't mind and was thankful that Chyler took up in driving them to the hospital because he sure as hell wasn't able to drive as he worried over Evelyn and trying to soothe her as she whimpered and hissed with each passing contraction

"How far along are the contractions?" Chyler asked as she sped down the road towards the hospital

"Every five minutes" Evelyn replied after her last contraction passed and she was able to relax a bit

"Make sure you're timing each contraction so you're doctor knows" Chyler said and Chris nodded as he looked at his watch just as Evelyn gasped and clenched his hand and he counted hold long it lasted before she was exhaling and relaxing again. This time her contraction lasted less than the last one which meant her contractions were getting closer to each other and that meant that any moment they'll be holding their son.

A few moments later, Chyler was pulling into the hospital and parked the in the side of the entrance and helped Chris bring Evelyn inside, luckily no paparazzi had spotted them nor any lingering fans saw them enter the hospital.

"I have to push" she whimpered as she was wheeled to a room as the nurse was quick to pace a doctor as she helped her onto the bed, prepping the bed before checking Evelyn to see how far she was and when she realized that she was fully dilated she began getting everything that was needed to deliver the baby just as a doctor entered

"How far is she?" The doctor asked the nurse who repaired that Evelyn was fully dilated, "Alright there is no time to connect you on an IV or monitor as this baby is ready to meet their parents"

"Hurts" Evelyn whispered as she began pushing even before the doctor asked her

"Okay you must be the husband and you must be the sister?" The doctor asked turning to Chris and Chyler

"Uh friend" Chyler replies and the doctor nodded

"I need you both to grab a hold of each of her legs and Evelyn I want you to push on a count of three"

After three pushes, Baby Somerhalder-Wood was born. The room was filled loud wails of a gunk covered baby as the doctor pulled him out before wrapping the infant in a blanket wiping away the gunk before placing him on Evelyn's chest. The happy parents and Chyler , who was watching them from the large window across the room, were crying as they looked down at the whimpering infant. Chris of course cut the umbilical cord before he was placed on Evelyn's chest.

"Hi baby" Evelyn whispered as she rubbed his tiny hand with her finger as his sniffled, "You're so beautiful baby boy"

"You did amazing sweetheart" Chris murmured as his eyes locked onto his son, tears of joy and love rolling down his face before he looked at his wife. The woman who gave him the best gift life could ever give him. She gave him a son that he can teach how to hit a baseball, ride a bike. Do all the things he used to do with his own dad while growing up.

"I love you" Evelyn whispered looking up at her loving husband with a tired smile making him smile and lean down to give her a soft kiss on her lips

"I love you too, baby" he murmured

"It's time to give the little man a bath and get in his measurements." A nurse said breaking the happy couple up and they nodded letting her take their son. The baby began whimpering as soon as their skin lost contact making the parents look on soft smiles.

Everything after that went quickly. They measured him and weighed him, him a couple shots and drew some blood and Chris was not happy with that and cried when their son wailed from the cubby he was placed in across the room.

A few hours later, Evelyn and the baby were taken to their new room with Chris walking beside them. They had gotten calls from their families and friends all asking how Evelyn and the baby were doing since Grant has texted their families and the rest of their friends telling them that Evelyn had gone into labor.

Ian and Nina promise that they'd be flying out to Canada the following day to be with them for a few days with the baby before flying back to Atlanta where they were currently filming their new show, Legacies which airs in October arose the same time that Supergirl airs. The rest of the gang had all stopped by to meet the little guy and congratulate the new parents before going back to set aside from Chyler who offered to stay back and help them which Chris and Evelyn were grateful for.

"So have you-" Chyler began to ask when there was a knock on the door and Chris called the person to enter and a woman walked in with a smile congratulating them on the baby

"Hi, My name is Sam, I'm one of the staff here I and I just came by to see if you have picked a name for him so we can work on his birth certificate"

"Yeah" the pair nodded and the lady smiled and Chris looked over at his wife

"His name is going to be Legacy Jedediah" Evelyn replied and Sam smile while Chyler awed

"That's a beautiful name." She said making the couple beam as they looked down at little Legacy as he suckled away. He was the perfect combination between his parents. He was born with a head full of dark hair and though you couldn't quite tell what the color his eyes were, it was easy to tell it was a mix between blue and green. He had a cute button nose that would scrunch up as he slept and soft skin that smelled like vanilla and roses.

Once all the paper work had been done and dealt with, the happy parents were once again left alone with Chyler to gush and coo over the infant. Who knew that a little human could have you wrapped around their tiny finger in mere seconds? Nurses came and went throughout the day and when visiting hours was over, with Chyler promising to come by in the morning with clothes for both the couple and the baby and to help, the couple were left alone with little Jedediah for the rest of the night.

The baby was placed beside Evelyn and Chris got his temporary bed ready for the night. He knew that he won't be getting much sleep but he didn't mind. He wanted to make sure that both his wife and son were safe and secure.

"Get some sleep, Evie, I'll wake you up if the baby needs feeding or changing" Chris said as he watched his wife fight a losing battle with sleep and when she gave him a sleepy smile she settled in bed and was fast asleep.

This was now his life and Chris wouldn't change it for the world.

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