157. Group Chat

572 13 0

Evelyn added Ian, Nina, Chris, Chyler, David, Katie, Mehcad, Nicole, and Jesse SuperTVDFam

Evelyn changed Ian to Big Bro 🧔🏻
Evelyn changed Nina to Sis In Law 👭
Evelyn changed Chris to Hubby 👪
Evelyn changed Chyler to Fake Sis👯‍♀️
Evelyn changed David to Boss Man👔
Evelyn changed Katie to Lena Luther💄
Evelyn changed Mehcad to Jimmy 🤙🏾
Evelyn changed Nicole to Dreamer🛌
Evelyn changed Jesse to Brainy👓

Guess what?!?!?!??

Big Bro 🧔🏻

Sis In Law 👭
Chicken butt 😬

Hubby 👪
Really Neens?

Fake Sis👯‍♀️
Don't act like you're surprised that she would say that Chris

Boss Man👔
Does this have anything to do with a certain infant?

Lena Luther💄
Is this what I think it is?

Jimmy 🤙🏾
Is little dude getting a part in the show?

Let her talk

I agree with Nicole let Evelyn speak people

Supergirl 💞
Geez people I couldn't even write
anything because everyone
was typing at the same time

Big Bro🧔🏻
Sorry Eves but seriously what's going on?

Hubby 👪
Take a wild guess

Fake Sis 👯‍♀️

Because it's fun seeing your guesses

Dreamer 🛌
Like Katie said does this have anything to do with Legacy?

Brainy 👓
Does this perhaps have something to do with you and Chris?

Sis In Law👭
are you pregnant again?

Supergirl 💞
What?! No! Though we've
been thinking of growing the family

So it does have something to do with you two

Lena Luther 💄
Just tell us already

Hubby 👪
Let's just tell them babe or else they won't stop giving us the death stares

Supergirl 💞
Fine you guys are no fun

Boss Man👔
Just spill already Eves before were called to set again

We can't really tell you but we can show you

Sis In Law👭
Then show us already

Supergirl 💞
No need to get pissy 😒

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