174. Real Life

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"And that's a wrap" the director yelled once they filmed the last episode of the season. Claps and cheers were filled all around the Supergirl set as cameras stopped rolling. It was a bittersweet moment for everyone as today was their last day filming season four.

"I want to thank you all for always, always putting your all into every episode since the season began. It's been truly an honor watching you all grow with every passing moment. This has been by far one of my favorite seasons to film and it's all because of everyone of you" the director, Greg, said as they all stood around and the cast and crew smiled at his words, "Now enjoy this much needed break with your families and friends because once were back filming it'll be back to work again"

Filming for season five will begin in a few months since the season airs in October which means they'll be showing the trailer for the season in July at comic con like they had down the previous year for season four.

After the other producers spoke and congratulated the cast and crew for a great season, everyone left the set with Evelyn meeting Chris at the lounge area where he smiled at her

"Proud of you for another successful season" he said making Evelyn smile

"It would have even better if you were in it" She said and he gave her a small smile

"I know but who would be home with Legacy?" He asked as he looked down at the infant who was looking up at them with wide eyes and his tiny fist in his mouth and they grinned

"Okay true. I'm going to go change and then we can head out" she said and he nodded as he grabbed the diaper bag from the sofa as he looked down at his son

"You've got one heck of mom, champ" he said once Evelyn was out of sight and in turn he only got a gurgle and giggle from his son making him chuckle. He looked up when he heard Evelyn making her way down the hall towards them and pushed the stroller towards her meeting at the entrance/exit.

"Hey, you leaving already?" They liked over at the sound of Chyler's voice as she made her way towards them with a smile

"Yeah, I thought you left already like the others"Evelyn said as the couple and Chyler walked out of the building with Chris unhooking the car seat from the stroller and placing it on the base.

"I was on the phone with my husband and didn't realize the time" The pixie haired woman said with a chuckle

"Well that's understandable" Evelyn chuckled and after exchanging a few words, they nod each other farewell with promises of catching up, Chyler walked away and climbed into her car while Chris and Evelyn clines Karl his car with him turning the car  on before pulling away from the parking lot and making his way down the road towards their house.

"So I was thinking that now that filming is over, that we could fly out to Louisiana and spend the rest of break with Ian and Nina. It's been a while since we were all together in the same place" Evelyn said and Chris nodded as he stopped at a red light

"I think that's a good idea. I know you've been missing your parents and siblings so I don't see why not" he replied and Evelyn smiled, "well look at flights tonight"

"Sounds good"


"Oh my god I can't believe you're here" Nina screamed in excitement two days later and Evelyn laughed as they hugged while Chris and Ian exchanged hand shakes, "we've missed you so much"

"We missed you guys too" Evelyn said as they walked inside with Legacy asleep in this carrier

"How long are you planing on staying in Louisiana?" Ian asked closing the door behind him

"Couple months. Until I'm needed back to start filming season five" Evelyn replied as they entered the living room with Ian and Chris waking down the hall towards the nursery to set Legacy down next to his cousin who was also napping, "Where's Phoenix?"

"With your parents. They took him out a few hours ago to the movies. They should be arriving so- that's them actually" Nina replied when the sound of tires on gravel was heard and Evelyn smiled as she heard the doors opening and closing with voices talking before the front door was opening just as Ian and Chris made their way down the hall

"Uncle Cwis!" Phoenix yelled when he saw Chris making the actor chuckle as he picked the toddler up and tossing him into the air making the boy burst out in a fit of giggles while Evelyn exchange hugs with her parents

"Hey what about me?" Evelyn asked with a fake shock making the small boy's eyes to widen before ehe was running towards her once he was back on the ground

"Auntie" he beamed giving Evelyn a tight hug and kiss that Evelyn smiled and returned

"Baby?" He asked he pulled away referring to his cousin

"He's sleeping love" Evelyn replied earning a pout from the toddler before yawning and Ian walked over and picked him letting his son rest his head on his shoulder

"You get him changed I'll get his bottle" Nina said and Ian nodded excusing himself and walking back down the hall towards Phoenix's room to get him changed while Nina went to the kitchen to prepare him a bottle leaving Chris and Evelyn in the living room with her parents.

"I saw that you finished filming" Edna said and Evelyn nodded, "how long will you be here for?"

"A few months give or take. We'll be flying back to Vancouver to start filming season 5" She replied and her parents nodded

"That's good sweetie. It's been far to long since you've been home" her mother said with a smile a smile that Evelyn has missed. She hasn't seen her parents since Legacy was born so it was a breath ld fresh air seeing them again.

Once Nina and Ian got back the three couples talked for hours until the three infants woke up and Evelyn and Nina fed the babies while Ian fed Phoenix leaving Chris, Edna and Robert Sr. to watch as they talked. As the night wore on, Edna and Robert left the Somerhalder house hold and went home with a promise to return. They'll be celebrating Chris's birthday the following day with a bbq and a family gathering with a few friends that the pair haven't seen in a while.

"You're not driving at this time. Why don't you take the guest room and get some sleep, you'll be over again tomorrow anyway" Nina said and the couple nodded thanking her and Ian for taking them in when they arrived before they went home but the day they flew by and they didn't realize it had gotten dark.

"Thank you" Evelyn said with a tired smile and Nina shook her head with a smile

"No need to thank us. You know you're always welcomed here. You're family" she said and Evelyn and Chris smiled before they bid each other goodnight and went their separate ways.

Once they were changed and legacy was in the portable crib, Evelyn and Chris climbed into bed and sighed. Their dogs were at the foot of the bed and by the crib to keep Legacy company.

"God it feels good to lay down" Chris said with a chuckle into the dark room

"You can that again" Evelyn replied with a sigh as she turned on her side and laid her head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around her,, "it's good to be home"

"It really is" Chris agreed pressing a kiss on her head, "get some rest we have a long day tomorrow"

"Love you" she murmured as she yawned

"Love you too"

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