106. Real Life

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The auditorium was filled to the brim once again as it had been the first time they were here with Chris. Evelyn didn't know what to do and she kept looking to where Chris was and when their eyes locked and he gave her a smile, Evelyn relaxed and returned the smile before turning her attention back to the fans.

"So were going to kick off the panel with some audience questions. So raise your hand if you'd like to ask the cast anything" the host relayed after the cast and director had taken their seats.

Today was the final day of San Diego Comic Con and the day everyone working on Supergirl had been nervous about. They were going to explain the reasoning behind Kara and Mon-El's relationship not being a thing.

"This is for Jordan. I'm a huge fan of your work and I was wondering if we'd see Winn doing some theater work in the future."

"I'm not quite sure about that seeing as I'm good to be doing broadway shows which is the main reason to be going from a regular cast member to occasional" Jordan said with a look at Jesse

"Hi, I'm Melanie, and my question is for Evelyn" the girl said and Evelyn smiled nodding her head for her to continue

"Firstly congratulations on your broadway debute. I saw Beautiful two times since it's debute and you were incredible"

"Aww thank you so much you're so sweet" Evelyn smiled at the smiling girl

"My question is, how did you feel when you learned that Chris wouldn't be in Season 4 of Supergirl?" There was a small pause and everyone looked at Evelyn waiting for her reply

"To be completely honest with you, I was pissed, shocked and sad because when I read the script that Mon-El was coming back I was static because I had the chance to work with my best friend again like we had the year prior. And as the season progressed, seeing Kara and Mon-El together in Argo and her telling him how much she had missed him and that she had dreams of them together, I had thought that  they were going to be real in the end," Evelyn answered as she looked at the teen who was stood with the mic in hand, "But in the end, the production team decided that Kara was better off with out Mom-El, which by the way is ridiculous if you ask me, and they had to take him out of the season. I'm very upset I'm not going to lie and I know you all are as well"

"It's not that I didn't think Kara deserved to be happy, we thought that it wouldn't be the sole focus of the show if she had a love interest which would keep her from doing her heroic acts" Jesse said when Evelyn was done talking which had the fans whispering and murmuring at his statement

"Then why build that relationship up? If you knew that Mon-El/ Chris wasn't going to be on the next season why get our hopes up with Kara and Mon-El being together?" Another fan asked and the cast looked at Jesse waiting for his reply but it didn't come, "You know that by saying that Kara shouldn't be focused on having a love interest is stupid right? Why do the guys from The Flash and Arrow get to have a happy ending and not her?"

More whispers and talks continued at the fan's comment and the cast agreed with her comment. It wasn't fair that Barry and Oliver get to be with the people they love while Kara is left alone and hurt with the loss of her love.

The rest of the hour went by with questions or comments similar to that of the fan from earlier about Mon-El and Kara not being together and what they had all thought about Chris not being on season 4 and that they won't be watching season 4 due to their ship not being together and their favorites not being on the show anymore.

Once the event was finally over, Chris and Evelyn met up and some fans were even thrilled to see the actor at the event even if it was only to support Evelyn. They took pictures and signed autographs before deciding to head home.

"How are you feeling?" Chris asked onc ethey were safe and sound in their car

"Good, just tired and hungry" she replied rubbing her belly making her husband smile as he pulled out of the parking space and drove away

"What are you in the mood for?" He asked

"Hmm. I'm up for pizza, no burgers and fries. Wait no, I want pickles and Nutella" Evelyn said with a grin making Chris chuckle and shake his head. This girl was going to the death of him one day. Deciding to get everything that she mentioned, Chris stopped at a nearby grocery store telling her to wait in the car that he'll be out in a few minutes and Evelyn agreed deciding to take a nap while he went shopping.

When Evelyn woke up later that day, she realized that she was in bed, the time read 8 pm and that the sky was starting to darken and frowned. How did she get in bed?

"I see you're awake" a voice said making her look up only to find her husband standing at the foot of the bed with a tray filled with food making her give him a sleepy smile

"Hey. When did we get home?" She asked

"3 hours ago. Have a nice nap?" He asked and she nodded with a yawn making him smile, "Here I figured you'd be waking up soon so I made you something to eat"

"Thank you babe. You're a doll"

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