117. Real Life

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"Are you ready to start filming?" Chris asked his wife as he drove to the airport so they could meet up with the rest of the Supergirl cast and Evelyn nodded

"As much as I hate to admit it, I freaking missed being on set and though it's going to suck not having you or Jeremy on, I'm excited to be back." She replied with a grin making him smile. He only hoped that she was careful as they filmed Supergirl. Evelyn's belly popped two days ago and the actress has been wearing large sweaters and sweatpants to hide her bump but how will the be able to hide her bump when she puts on the Supergirl suit on?

"I was thinking now that I'm showing, that we should announce that we're expecting" Evelyn's aid out of the blue and Chris raised a brow at that and looks over at her when he stopped at a red light

"You sure?" He asked and she smiled with a nod

"Never been more sure than now. We've been hiding this for months so I think now it's the best time to tell the fans that we're having a baby" she said and he smiled grabbing her hand and giving it a gentle squeeze

"Alright. How do you want to do it?" He asked focused on the road as he drove down the street once the light changed to green

"We can do a photoshoot or something" she said with a shrug not really minding how they were going to announce their pregnancy and Chris just nodded already planing a perfect way to announce that they were expecting their first child together

"I can't  believe that in just four months we'll be welcoming our baby boy" Evelyn  aid with a smile and Chris couldn't agree more. He had already started working on the nursery and Evelyn wasn't allowed to look at it until it was done and Evelyn was excited to see the finished project

"We still have to pick a name for him" Chris pointed out and Evelyn hummed in agreement

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there." She said

"Whatever you say hon" Chris said with a grin looking at her and she smiled shaking her head. The rest of the drive was spent in comfortable silence as the radio played softly in the background. Now that Evelyn was officially done with her Broadway show debute behind her, Evelyn was ready to get back to filming Supergirl and seeking her friends.

"Can you believe the choice awards is next week?" She asked as they neared the airport and Chris hummed

"I'm more than 100% that one of us will win the award as my vote is on you love" he replied and she made a noise in the of her throat making him chuckle

"My bet is on you hon. I mean have you seen you and your kick ass moves on the show?" She asked in disbelief making Chris laugh at her comment

"But let's not forget that Kara/Supergirl is the one who kicks ass more than anyone on the show" he said pulling into the  airport parking lot and driving for a few more seconds before finding a parking space and paying for long term parking. Once he was parked and the car was turned off, the couple both got out with Evelyn shielding her bump with her-Chris'-coat before walking to the entrance with Chris wheeling their suitcases behind him while Evelyn carried her purse that held their passports.

"Ugh" Evelyn groaned making her husband look at her with a raised brow

"Wha-" he didn't even get a chance to finish his question when flashing lights blinded him and questions were being shouted at them as the coulee made their way inside the airport. Their bodyguards were quick to jump into action when they spotted the pair and circled them as they made their way inside blocking the paparazzi from view

"I swear they have noting better to do then follow us around" Evelyn mumbled as they walked to the check in line before they went to a different area that would lead them to the private jet

"It's their job Princess" Chris said

"Can't they follow someone else instead?" She questioned as they walked outside and greeted the pilot and co-pilot of the jet

"They want to follow us there's nothing I can do about it sweetheart" he replied as he follows her up the steps while the pilot and his co-pilot carried their suitcases to the master bedroom of the jet while the pair went to take a sit.

"I know" she sighed as she sat down facing him and Chris smiled reaching for her hand making Evelyn smile and place hers on his

"Just ignore them babe. They'll eventually get tired of shouting questions and will find someone else to bother" he said and Evelyn nodded, "Just focus on the task at hand. Filming supergirl and nothing else"

"Okay. I wish you were on the show again" she huffed making him smile

"Me too, but I can't do anything about the outcome of the last season. The writers had it all planned from the beginning so there's nothing I can do to change that" he replied and she nodded

"Want to help me go over my lines before we get there?" She asked and that's how they spent their short flight from LAX to Vancouver with lunch and dinner breaks and naps in between before they finally arrived touched down in Vancouver.

After getting into their rented car, Chris and Evelyn, with Chris driving, made their way to their Vancouver apartment to drop of their belongings and pick up their dogs- Chy had brought them with her two days before and had been taking care of them for the pair while their were in LA-before driving to the Supergirl set for Evelyn to get her Supergirl costume fitted.

"Ready?" Chris asked a few moments later when they had arrived to the set, Farley, Drift, Smokey and Ghost were on their leashes wagging their tails ready to join the pair on set and meet the rest of the cast.

"Yeah, come on they're probably wondering where we are" Evelyn said so with that said, they made their way inside the building and got the day started.

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