193.Real Life

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"I can't believe this is what it has come to," Evelyn said looking at the tv where they showed the protests of millions of people in regards of the killing of a black American by the hands of four police officers, "is this the America were raising our children in?"

"It's our reality whether we want it or not," Chris replied equally upset by the news, "but right now all we can do is stand with them and show our support by spreading the word to our followers, family and friends"

"It's really the only thing we can do right now," she replied resting her head on his shoulder as she cradled her six month pregnant belly, "I just want the boys to live in a world where everyone is treated equally,"

"I know because I want the same thing for them as well" her loving husband replied pressing a kiss to her temple, "now come, let's go check on our toddler and see what she's up to because he's been awfully quiet for the past ten minutes"

"I can already guess what that little boy is up to" she chuckled as they both stood up and made their way towards their son's nursery and froze upon seeing him and their pets cuddled up on the floor fast asleep, "well now that is not what I had expected to see"

Chris smiled and walked towards his sleeping son before gently picking him off the floor and carrying him to his crib where he gently laid the toddler down before rejoining his wife at the door, "Come on, let's go make some lunch before he wakes up and world war 3 starts" Evelyn rolled her eyes at his comment but nonetheless followed him back out the door and down to the kitchen where Chris began gathering bread, fruit, crackers and other things to make Legacy a before lunch snack.

"Can't believe you're done with filming season 5 of Supergirl" Chris said and Evelyn hummed

"Couldn't agree more and it ended not long before the protest began as well" she said and he nodded, "at least we managed to finish shooting while also in quarantine"

"True, I'm glad that you don't have to go out all the time now" he said and she smiled, "also I'm very proud of you for coming out to tell your story about being a Domestic Abuse survivor"

"Well I had you and our family and friends support so that gave me an extra push to finally be able to talk about that as well" she replied, "even if it's been years since then and I'm happier now than I've ever been before and it's because I have you, our boys, family and friends and I'm seriously so incredibly lucky"

"You're a very strong woman that I'm lucky to call my life partner, mother of my children and my best friend. I've behind proud of you and everything that you stand for" he said leaning over the counter to give her a soft kiss on the lips making her smile, "our boys are lucky to call you their superhero as I am"

"I love you"

"And I love you"


A few days later, Chris along with their close friends and family planned to throw Evelyn a baby-shower while she's out of the house with Nina, Chyler and Katie.

"Alright where should we put these?" Mehcad asked as he and Jeremy walked in carrying a large table that was going to be used for the party favors and food

"Right over there" Chris replied pointing to the empty stop in the yard and they carried it towards the spot near the long sofa that was laid out in the yard

"Chris!" Chris looked towards the sound of Andrea's voice and raised a brow in question, "Katie just messaged saying that they'll be arriving in half an hour"

"Okay" he replied and turned to the other guests and told them that they needed to hurry as the women would be arriving in half an hour and so everyone in the yard began to organize the table with the foods -that Chris and Evelyn's mother's had brought out-and with the gifts and favors from everyone.

As the time ticked away, Chris and their families and friends mingled waiting for Evelyn, Chy and Katie to arrive which didn't take long for Katie came in first while Chy ans Evelyn walked in behind her with Chy covering Evelyn's eyes.

"Why are you co-" Evelyn began but cut off when Chyler uncovered her eyes and Evelyn gasped as she looked at the beautifully decorated yard, "how did you manage to do all this in such a short amount of time?"

"I had a little help" Chris replied with a smile as he walked over to her with their son in arm who beamed upon seeing his mom

"Mama" Legacy squealed in delight making her smile

"Hi baby" she smiled giving him a small kiss not be forehead before pecking Chris on the lips, "This is beautiful"

The yard, unlike their previous baby shower two years ago which had taken place in a different location and was decorated in all shades of blues, was decorated in yellows, greens and off whites that made the yard stand out. Fairy lights were hung up on the branches of the trees illuminating the yard as the sun began to set in the horizon.

"It's perfect"

"I'm glad you like it, come on, let's go greet the rest of the guests before you can sit and open gifts" Chris said and  so that's what they did. They laughed for hours telling stories before finally settling down around the chairs and watching Evelyn as she opened each and every gift giving to her. Before long, everyone left the Somerhalder-Wood house and the couple headed to bed after laying their son in his crib.

"Thank you for tonight, I had fun" she said as they laid in their bed, "it was a great way to forget about everything that's been going on in the world around us"

"I'm glad you had fun tonight" Chris said kissing her temple as they settled in bed and yawned, "get some sleep for tomorrow is going to be a long day"

"You couldn't have said it better" she murmured cuddling closer to him and before long they were both in dreamland.

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