129. Real Life

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After opening countless gifts from friends  and family, Chris and Evelyn have decided to call it a night on the baby shower. Most of their family and loved ones have already left hours ago with only a couple remained. Nina and Ian has left half way through the celebrations due to their son fallen asleep and Nina being sore from being on her feet for to long and Evelyn was feeling the same.

"Ready to head home?" Chris asked Evelyn after he had returned to her side after saying bye to the last people to leave the building and Evelyn nodded

"Yeah. My back and feet hurt" she muttered as Chris helped her to her feet

"Then I'll give you a back and foot massage some we get home, how does that sound?" He asked as he led her to the car, he had already taken the dogs out to the car a few moments ago before saying goodnight to the last guests

"Sounds great" Evelyn replied as she gave him a tired but happy smile as she climbed the passengers seat and he smiled leaned down a few inches and gave her a soft kiss before closing the door and walking around to climb into the drivers seat.

The sky was dark with stars littering it like diamonds with the moon being the only other source of light other than the street lights lining the street as Chris drove back to their house.

The radio was softly playing in the background and Evelyn could feel her eyes beginning to close on their own and fought to away but Chris's voice telling her to sleep was enough to lose the fight.

Chris looked over at his sleeping wife and smiled. He still couldn't believe that he was not only married to the most amazing and most beautiful woman in the world but she was also expecting their first child together. They were both afraid that she would miscarry again after their first baby was lost at the beginning of their relationship. But that fear turned to relief when Evelyn's belly grew more and more with every passing month and now here she was only a few weeks away from having their baby.

If anyone would have told him years ago that he would be a married man with a baby on the way and a house full of dogs he wouldn't have believed them because he never expected to fall for not just only his co-star but his best friend. Evelyn has been there for him since they met twenty years ago when they were still kids. And like any love story before, he fell for his best friend and he never expected for those feelings to be returned but they were and now he gets to grow old with the love of his life as they raised their child together.

Half an hour later, Chris pulled up to their LA house and rolled his window down before reaching out to enter the security code to open the gates before driving in and doing the same again once the doors closed behind them. He drove up the long driveway and found Ian's car parked a few feet away and parked his car next to Evelyn's before getting out. He looked over his shoulder when the front door opened to see Ian standing in the doorway

"Hey, need help?" He asked and Chris nodded

"That would be great. Could you get the dogs out while o get Evie?" He asked and Ian nodded walking to the back and opening the door to let all four dogs out who all ran inside.

Chris gently picked Evelyn up once he opened the door and thanked Ian as he held it open for him and Ian nodded closing the door once Chris had Evelyn safely in his arms before walking ahead of him to hold the front door open and closing it behind him once Chris was inside.

"I would have figured you would be asleep by now" Chris said as they climbed the stairs

"I came down to get water when I heard the gate opening and as your car pulling up" Ian replied

"And did you get your water?" Chris asked and Ian nodded

"Sorry for the trouble" Chris apologized as Ian held the door to his and Evelyn's room open for him but Ian only shook his head

"No need to apologize Chris." He said as he watched his brother in law lay a sleeping Evelyn in bed, "She has a fun time tonight"

"She did. Thanks for being here it meant the world to us" Chris said but Ian once again shook his head

"We're family now Chris, of course we were going to be here"

Both men have gotten extremely close over the years since knowing each other and knowing that if Chris or Evelyn ever needed someone to talk to that they could turn to Ian for hell or advice. Like Ian had said, they were family now and Chris was glad to have Ian as not just a friend but as a brother.

"I really appreciate you and Nina flying out here just for the baby shower" Chris said and Ian smiled

"Not a problem. Besides it was a good thing as Nina and Evelyn haven't seen each other in a while so it gave them both time to catch up and all that" the actor said and Chris nodded, "Anyway get some sleep because I have a feeling that tomorrow is going to be a long day"

"I have a feeling that you're right about that," Chris said looking at his wife because something told him that once morning came, Evelyn will want to start fixing the nursery now that they had toys and clothes to put away for the baby

The exchanged farewells, with Chris closing the door behind him and sighed. Tomorrow is good to a long day for sure.

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