Chapter 4 - Forgiveness

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I lay in bed, staring at the roof for most of that night. Thinking of one thing.

Should I forgive Elijah? If I do, will I regret it?

I know, I sound pathetic. But... I don't even know anymore! My life is really confusing and this just adds another layer to the cake. Elijah seemed like a player. A no good, f-boy. And I believed I was falling. Falling hard and not stoping.

"Ugh, you idiot, stop it! Your so helpless!" I whined to myself, rubbing my eyes.

"Y/n? You good?" Sub asked knocking.

"Oh yah! Peachy! Now, go away." I whined, throwing a pillow at my door.

Sub walked away, leaving me in my void of nothingness. I sighed deeply, maybe I should apologize for bein' a bitch to Elijah.

Ugh, what is wrong with me? I can't like him! He ruined moms shirt. But, it's fixed now. Wow, I made a huge deal about nothing!

"Ugh!" I groaned shoving a pillow in my face.


I woke up, hair a mess, still in my clothes from the other day and makeup smeared across my face. I looked at my alarm clock, which sat on a bedside table. I almost fell completely out of bed seeing it was almost twelve.

I groaned as I made my way to the bathroom, "They should put me in a horror movie." I smirked and headed to the bathroom to wash my face.

"Good morning! How was wallowing and being depressed in your room last night?" Sub asked giving me a cheesy smile.

I growled at him, grabbing an apple, "The best." I said as I took a bite of the apple, sarcasm dripping off of every word I said.

He chuckled and put a plate of eggs in front of where he was sitting. "Hey, honestly, what's going on?" He said, now concerned.

"I don't know." I shrugged. I didn't want to talk about it. Afraid that if I did Sub might tell Elijah and, if Elijah finds out he'll - I bet - make fun of me.

"Ok..." Sub sighed, giving up on trying to get me to talk.

I got up throwing my apple away. "Hey, Sub?"

"Yes?" He asked turning to me.

I looked at the ground and muttered, "When are the guys coming?"

"Oh, their coming over at noon." He answered.

"Wait. What?" I gasped. It's eleven fifty-two! I ran upstairs and grabbed some ripped jeans and a black Hollister shirt with a rose just under my shoulder. I quickly threw my hair into a ponytail and headed downstairs just as the doorbell rang.

"Their here!" Sub yelled from his room. "Can you get the door y/n?"

I opened the door and got tackled by a grinning Braden.

"Y/n! Your video just hit one million views!" He said, squealing.

"What? What video?" I asked, squirming out of his grip.

"This one!" Denis shoved his phone in my face. I stood in shock watching the video. It was me singing friends from the other night! 

"What the hell?" I whispered.

"Elijah posted it on our channel and his own! You should thank him. Your viral!" Alex exclaimed pointing to a blushing Elijah.

"Thanks Elijah." I smiled at him earning a crooked smile back.

"Awe, their both blushing! I ship it!" Braden gushed.

I swear sometimes I actually think he is more gay than Alex. I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen.

Holy shit, I'm all over the internet! And it's all because of Elijah. Why would he do that? I don't know, but, it was a fairly kind gesture. I should forgive him.... I will, forgive him.

"Hey, you guys wanna go to the park or something?" Denis asked as Sub walked in.

"Ya, sure. But, I need to talk to y/n for a minute." Sub said.

I got up and followed him to his bedroom. We both sat on his bed and he hugged me. Really freaking tight.

"Sub? Hey, you ok?" I asked looking at him as he let go.

"Ya I'm fine. Just, be careful... Elijah... he, he needs someone like you. All his ex's they used him. Used him for fame and other stupid crap. Don't hurt him ok? He's my best friend. He will take care of you when I can't." Sub said holding my shoulders tightly.

"Ok. I promise. And what do you mean, 'he will take care of you when I can't.' mean, exactly?" I studied his face as his hair dropped in front of his eyes.

"It's.... just a precaution. Ok? Nothing to worry about. Now, let's go to the park." He said giving me a reassuring smile.

"Alright. Race ya downstairs!" I yelled, darting down the stairs.

"Oh, come on!" He yelled, "You cheated!" He then ran after me just as I tripped on the final step.

"Shi-!" I fell on top of someone as I came crashing down the stairs.

"Y'know, you aren't as light as you look." A squished Elijah said chuckling. I playfully slapped his arm and got up. Everyone else was laughing at me, but, that soon ended as I glared at them.

"You can be really freaking scary sometimes y/n." Denis snickered.

"Well, ya. Of course I can." I giggled. "Now, Lets go to the park."


We raced outside, heading to the school which was a few blocks down. I ran as fast as I could which wasn't fast enough unfortunately.

"Awe, come on." I huffed trying to keep up with the guys.

"Hey, want some help?" I looked to my right and saw Elijah, giving me a crooked smile.

"Sure." I replied. He nodded and scooped me up into his arms carrying me bridal style. I gasped as he ran really freaking fast, even with me in his damn arms. We passed everyone and we both got to the park first.

"Ha! We win!" I hollered doing a little dance. Elijah chuckled and just stared at me kinda. "What?" I asked smiling.

"Nothing." He shrugged.

"Hey, sorry for being a bitch, also, I forgive you." I said bending down and kissing him lightly on the cheek.

"How did you get here so damn fast?" Alex asked falling to the ground, as did the rest of them. Fortunately they failed to notice Elijah and I's blushing faces.

I forgave him. And I didn't regret it.

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