Chapter 21 ~ happy birthday

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~ one week later ~

i've started getting sick in the mornings on occasion and Elijah, as he said he would be, has been there helping me with everything. even though i'm not showing yet, he still treats me like i am. to be honest it's adorable. he tries talking to the baby while we're in bed and whenever he has the chance.

but, today's not about that. it is currently two in the morning and i am awake in bed so not extremely excited for the day because today is my birthday. am i excited? no. i'm not excited, this will be the first birthday without Sub. wait. oh my god.

"Elijah!" i whisper on the verge of tears. i shake him awake and he immediately gets up, grabbing a hair tie off the dresser just in case i needed to be sick.

"what's wrong? is everything ok?" he asks, eyes adjusting to the sudden jolt of energy and sleepiness runs away instantly.

"Elijah, i just realized Sub won't be here to meet our kid..." as i say this i breakdown even more. i remember having talks with Sub about what it would be like to be all grown up and have family's of our own. now, i'm the only one who's going to have a family.

"hey, hey, hey, it's ok, Sub would be so proud of you. i bet if he were still here he would have beat the literal shit out of me. no doubt he wouldn't leave you out of his sight either. i know you miss him, i miss him too, but hey, when this baby is born we can tell them all about their uncle Sub." i smile gratefully at my boyfriend and wipe my tears. boy, am i lucky to be with such a gorgeous man. "by the way, happy birthday babe." i flushed at his words and shoved my face into my hands out of embarrassment.

"oh hush up, would ya? i'm not celebrating my birthday today anyway..." i frowned and removed my hands from my face. i instinctively placed them on my stomach and flipped to my other side.

"what? why? your finally twenty! and, the mother of our gorgeous child." Elijah wrapped his arms around my waist and rubbed a hand that was gently placed on my stomach.

"i know, i know, but Sub isn't here and it's just not gonna' be the same..."

"it'll be fine. i promise." with that, he places a gentle kiss on my forehead.


the alarm on my nightstand goes off and i groan from the annoying ring in my ear.

"fuck you." i said slapping it. it continued to ring and i scrunched my eyebrows in confusion, rubbing my eyes to wake myself up more. i growl swears under my breath as i unplug the device from hell. i sit up and run a hand through my messy hair, huffing in the process.

"good morning beautiful." i turn my head and smile at Elijah, who stands in the doorway with a tray and food.

"good morning handsome." he walks over and sets the tray on the nightstand that's next to me. "awe, what's this for?" i ask giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"dummy, it's your birthday. i made you breakfast in bed, enjoy." i chuckle at him and say thanks as he walks out the door. i eat a majority of the food on the tray but leave it on the nightstand when i finish. getting up, i place a hand gently on my stomach and smile slightly. am i scared to have a child? yes. but, what i'm most worried about is that i'm not going to be a good mom. i'm scared i'm gonna end up like my dad, and i don't want to end up like that bastard.

i trudge down the stairs and smile at everyone as i throw my hair into a ponytail. "happy birthday!" they all shout as they see me and i smile timidly instead of my usual, confident smile.

"jee thanks guys." i blush and sit down on the couch next to Ava.

"your old now!" she shouts and i laugh, "ha, i'm still nineteen, screw youuu." she laughs.

i scowl and smack her, "hey, your gonna be old too missy. don't get to cocky dipshit." i say and am back to smiling proudly.

"ya, ya, whatever grandma." i gasp and tackle her to the ground. she squeals and pushes me off, and sticks her tongue out at me as she stands above me. i flip her off and get up myself, and walk into the kitchen.

"happpppppyyyyy birthdayyyyy!" Ethan cheers as i walk in. i smile and hug him, then sit down at the island. "so, what do you want to do for your special day?"

"well, i'm inviting everyone over. i'm sure you already know, the pals, everyone who lives here and uh... i guess that's it. i don't really know anyone else." sad. i know, but i haven't gotten out much. not that i'm complaining.

"well, we are going to throw the biggest party ever my dear!" Cody hollers and hugs me from the side. i smile nervously and nod.

alright. i have an hour exactly, before my party. i huff and dig through my clothes, trying to find the best outfit for a party. Cody said he knew some people and he could invite them, as well as the rest of the house. i really had no say in the matter. i grab a black tank top and a pair of ripped jeans and get them on, i throw my hair into a pony tail and smile at myself in the bathroom mirror. i hop downstairs and jump on Elijah's back as i get to the kitchen.

"woah guys," i say as i look at the island. it's covered in food but it's mostly covered in booze and other shit like that. "uh, guys, you do know i'm pregnant AND underage, correct?" Cody nods and smiles wide,

"we know. it's for the other people that will be here. don't worry, nothing bad is gonna happen."

"well i'm making my birthday wish early and am gonna wish that nothing goes wrong." i huff and place my head in my hand. god am i scared for this party.

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