Chapter 8 - every little thing is gonna be alright

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I stayed the night at the hospital. I didn't sleep I just thought. I thought about life, love, what I would without Sub. Elijah left an hour ago to go get me clothes and food.

"Hey Sub. Listen, I can't lose you... not now. We lost mom and have no idea where the fuck dad is. But if you leave me... I honestly have no idea what I'll do." I wiped the tears that started falling down my pink tinted cheeks and continued; "You told me you wouldn't always be there for me and that Elijah would be. I believe you but, I love you and I just can't lose my big brother to a stupid disease. Stay strong for me... for Mom. If you can hear me I want to say this: bro, I love you. I'll do my best in life if you leave, I'll love Elijah like you told me too. Honestly I already like Elijah. A lot. If you get through this Sub, your gonna find the love of your freaking life. You'll be happy and have kids and, and-" I couldn't speak. I just started to cry. I didn't stop either. Sub is only twenty five. He shouldn't die yet. He can't die yet.

"Hey y/n...?" I turned my head around saw Elijah there with tears brimming his eyes.

"You heard?" He nodded as I turned back toward Sub, brushing his hair out of his face. "Well it's true..." I turned back to Elijah and smiled weakly. He didn't answer. He put the coffees and clothes, he was holding down and engulfed me into a giant hug.

"Honestly, I like you too." He whispered in the crook of my neck. I smiled and hugged him tightly.

I know, I know. Your probably thinking, 'Oh my gosh! Y/n! Your in the same room as your dying brother and you just confessed your feelings to a guy you like, what? Three weeks ago?' Yes. I am. Because Sub would want to hear this. Not because it'll make just him happy. He'll like it because he knows his baby sister found a guy that loves her.

"Thanks for the clothes and coffee." I smiled letting go of the hug. "I'm going to go change. I'll be right back." I walked out of the room and went to the nearest bathroom.

I changed as fast as I could and darted back to the room when I was interrupted by bumping into someone.

"Ah, y/n! Just the person I wanted to see." I got up with the help of the dark skinned man. I smiled in gratitude at Dr. Dean. His expression then turned serious and he lead me to a small office type room. "Now, I have good news and bad news. What would you like to hear first?"

"Uhm, bad please." I played with my hair, a habit that I had gotten whenever I was nervous.

"Sub has shown signs of his cancer spreading at an alarming rate but, we can stop it. He will have to stay here at the hospital for at least, five to four months. Good news, is that he will be perfectly fine. Your brother will wake up soon." I smiled widely at the sound of Sub waking up.

"Thank you so much!" I hugged the tall man tightly. "I got to go, I'll see you later doc!" I ran out of the room and ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I finally ran into the room tackling Elijah into a hug.

"Holy Jesus! Y/n?" I hugged him while we just layed on the floor from the impact.

"Subs ok! Subs gonna be ok!" I cried into his chest still hugging him. I felt Elijah smile into the hug.

"Thank god..."

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