Chapter 5 - Flirting?

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The park was fun. We kinda just hung out and played on the equipment like five year olds. We got a few dirty looks from some parents but, we still had fun.

"Y/n did I tell you you look beautiful today?" Elijah asked, i looked at him confused, thinking he was mistaking me for someone else. But, he said my name so that seems unlikely.

"No Elijah, you have not. And I don't see why you would." I said cocking my head to the side. I felt a slight blush creep up my face.

What are you doing y/n?! You can't fall for this idiotic player! Ugh great, I've been drawn to talking to myself...

He chuckled and looked at me I looked back and we kinda just stared at each other for a little till-


Denis tackled Elijah as I laughed at both reactions but, alas, I was tackled by Braden.

"Dammit Braden!" I grumbled pushing him off of me. Alex and Sub tried not to laugh as they witnessed the whole thing happen.

"Oh! Look! It's a spiny thing! I loved these when I was little!" Alex dashed over and immediately grabbed hold of the curvy, long handle. Next Elijah and I went on. The other guys started to spin us.

"Holy crap!" I yelped. I was holding on for dear life till we finally stopped. Well I stopped. By practically flying off the damn thing. I fell to the sand groaning in pain. "Never. Never go on that. It's a death trap." I muttered holding my head as I sat up.

"Hey y/n, you ok?" Elijah asked, he looked concerned so i answered.

"Yes, yes, I'm fine." I uttered a low growl to the spiny  thing and walked over to the swings. I sat down and stared at the clouds and dozed off, going into my own little world.

"Hey y/n." Elijah said sitting on the swing next to me.

"Hello." I replied, I haven't known Elijah for long but, he's a nice kid, I like him. Well maybe a bit more than a friend. He seems like the boyfriend type.

He's also the fuck boy type.

I was in this debate with myself for I don't know how long. But I snapped out of it when Elijah said something that caught my attention.

"The fair is in a few months... and I was wondering, do you wanna come with me?" He asked a slight blush dusting his cheeks and nose.

I smiled and said, "Sure." I looked at Elijah who was now a deep red. I giggled and got off the swing. "Hey Elijah guess what."

"What." He said smiling.

"Your it!" I said tagging him. I ran into the field, Elijah on my heels. As we ran the wind blew my h/l, h/c hair behind me. I felt like a freakin person in a book.

I finally got tired and stopped dead in my tracks, unfortunately letting Elijah tackle me to the ground.

"Ok you win." I said laughing. I didn't realize it at the time but, Elijah was holding me by my waist and hugging me.

"Hell ya! I'm the champion baby!" He yelled smiling. I laughed and sighed as I stared at the sky again.

"I'm sorry." I said still staring at the sky.

"For what?" Elijah asked rolling over onto his side to look at me.

"I'm sorry for acting like a bitch and not forgiving you about a small stain. I'm sorry for being rude and not including you. I'm just sorry for all the horrible, unkind stuff I did to you." I said making eye contact with him.

He chuckled. Then laughed and said, "Y/n, you shouldn't be sorry. You hade a reason too be mad. I was being stupid and wasn't paying attention. So I'm sorry." He said.

We stared at each other slowly leaning closer our faces inches apart. That is when I realized I had the biggest crush ever. I know, cliche right? But, it was the right kind of cliche. That day I had my first kiss. It was like I had fireworks going off in my stomach, my heart rate increased as I kissed back. It was magical. Our lips moved in sync like they were pieces of a puzzle; they were meant to be. We broke apart breathing heavy and our faces red. Elijah ran a hand through his hair as he gave me a big goofy grin. I returned it and stared at the clouds again. Elijah reached for my hand and held it as we stared at the clouds together.

"Y/n I hope you know I was flirting with you earlier." Elijah blushed more now as I did too.

"Well I kind of knew." I said honestly.

"Your a beautiful girl y/n. I'm never going to hurt you." Elijah whispered kissing your hand.

We stayed like that for I don't know how long. But it was peaceful and no one interrupted us. I felt joy and happiness overwhelm me during the whole event.

Elijah made me happy.

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