Chapter 12 ~ "Hey, guys..."

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God, I honestly do love him... is it bad? Probably, I don't honestly care though because it's too late. I've already fallen head over heels for this guy. Funny thing is he hasn't technically asked me to be his girlfriend... it sounds nice though. Don't you think? Yes, he is a YouTuber for children and plays games for them, but, I find that adorable! Mom and Sub would be proud of the kind of woman I have become... jeez, I miss them.

"Hey, y/n want to watch a movie with Amy, Ethan and I? We're probably going to watch a scary movie if that's alright with you," Elijah asked poking his head out from around the corner. I took this opportunity to take in all his beautiful features, from his eyes straight down to the little neck that was sticking out from behind the wall. His smile was perfect and his dimples were the cherry on, freaking top. And his eyes? Oh lord those are my favorite part about him. I sighed and giggled at his childlike behavior and nodded,

"Ya, give me a minute. I have to do something quickly." He smiled up at me and nodded leaving me alone in his room.

Ok, y/n quick and easy. No interruptions.

I decided a while ago that I was going to explain why Sub hasn't been posting with the Pals and on his own channel. See the guys and I decided we would just get old videos that haven't been posted onto both channels so people didn't get too suspicious. So here I am about to explain, to all of Sub's one million fans, about how he died...

I clicked the button on Elijah's camera and sat down quietly. Here goes nothing.

"Hey, guys... it's y/n and I bet you're wondering where Sub is. Well, let me explain myself before we get in into that." I took a deep, shaky breath and continued, "Everything was going great, I was about to start a YouTube channel, The Pals and I were getting along great until one night I was home alone with Elijah and Sub. Sub was in his in bedroom Elijah and I were downstairs, I decided it would be funny to prank Elijah and we had a good laugh about that... but I left. I left for not even ten minutes... and there I found Elijah crying next to my brother who was 'sleeping' in his bed. The worst part is, Sub wasn't sleeping, he was in a small coma not able to wake up and tell me everything was going to be okay and that he was okay.

"I couldn't do anything to help him, I had to sit back and wait for the horrible news yet to come. Later I found out Sub was diagnosed with cancer, it broke my heart to know my brother was going to die and I couldn't do shit." I've never sworn on camera, but I was so overwhelmed with emotions I just said the first things that came to mind. "Anyways, I worried for so long and finally I thought everything was going to be ok but, I was freaking wrong and eventually was told that his cancer had spread. I bet you all can see where this is going but, for those of you who can't I'll just tell you. Sub... at around nine maybe ten passed away after waking up only to meet the doctor who tried to save his life..." At this point, I was in tears and a sniveling mess. I didn't care though, as long as everyone knows what happened to my brother.

"I'm so sorry for everyone who enjoyed his videos. Here's a full and clear image of my brother, he was a great person and really kind... that, I guess, is why you guys watched him. Well, that's all I can really handle for today, again I'm so sorry and if there was something, anything I could've done to save his life I would have done it... Bye, everyone." I mustered the best smile I could and turned the camera off sighing and wiping away my tears.

"Y/n! Hurry up we're starting the movie!" I paused for a moment before getting up.

It's now or never y/n...

I quickly signed into Subs YouTube not bothering to edit the video and cautiously named the title, after about five minutes of thinking about a name... heh. "Coming!" I called down to my friends, uploading the video. I trodded downstairs hearing the video replay in my head;

"Hey, guys.."

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