Chapter 20 ~ Laughing and crying

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Waking up has its ups and downs. This morning was a mix of both for I woke up, no clothes on and the bedroom trashed. Almost instantly, memories from last night flood in my mind and I immediately blush a dark red. I look around the room and see Elijah and I's clothes tossed every which way and the duvet covers are just barely covering us. Elijah let's out a small snore and I peak over at him, his hair is a mess and his upper body was showing. Damn was it a sight to see. I smile brightly at him and move a piece of hair out of his face making him twitch a little and wake up.

"Good morning princess." He says huskily as he rubs his eyes. God I adored his voice when he first wakes up.

"Morning handsome." I lay back down next to him as he pulls me in for a quick kiss. "Baby I need to get ready for the day." I pull away and try to get out of his surprisingly strong grip but fail.

"No, not yet." he grumbles pulling me back onto him as he placed his face in between my neck and shoulder. "Might wanna cover these up." he smirks placing kisses on the love bites he had left on my neck. I blush a deep crimson as he says this and squirm out of his grip, grabbing clothes and practically run to the bathroom to change. While changing I start to think about what we did, one thing was on my mind the most though...

did we use protection?

Pulling my shirt over my head I rush back out of the bathroom and smack Elijah's forehead, waking him up again.

"Owww." he whined, I rolled my eyes.

"Did we use protection?" I ask frantically, looking at him and praying to god we did.

He looks at me and thinks for a minute, then his eyes get wide and he answers with four words I would be thinking about all day, "I don't think so..."

"No no no no." I cry getting off the bed and pull at my hair out of stress. "God, we should've used a condom! What if I'm pregnant! Holy shit what if I get aids!" Elijah gets out of bed, now in underwear, and hugs me calming me down.

"Calm down small fry, it'll be ok... even if you are pregnant I'll be here to help raise it. No matter what. I'll be there for you ok?"

"Elijah I'm nineteen, i can't have a kid right now! If people know about this both our reputations could be in jeopardy, yours mostly." I rant, he sighs and puts his arms on my shoulders making me look at him.

"So what? If putting a reputation on the line is what it takes to be with you, I'll take it. Y/n we've been dating for almost a year now, no one will hate us for having sex. Trust me if you are pregnant you'll make me the happiest man on earth. I love you with all my heart and hey, your birthday is in a month so you'll be twenty, not nineteen. I love you so much y/n don't forget it." he places a kiss on my head and starts getting dressed.

I instantly blush at his speech and hug him. "I'll wait a week or two and take a test. ok?" He nods in understanding and goes to the bathroom to change into a pair of decent clothes.

two weeks later

"Ok, deep breath. All you have to do is wait five minutes..." I mutter to myself as I pace around the bathroom. It was excruciatingly painful to wait a full two weeks. I was barely eating and I had barely gone out. Everyone is asking what's wrong and all I can say is, 'I'll tell you later'.

ok one minute down, four to go.

My palms were getting sweaty as my grip tightened on the test, terrified to see the results. I began to chew my nails, a habit I had succumbed to while Mom was in the hospital, as well as Sub.

two minutes down.

With every passing second I try not to peak at the device held in my white hands as the time seems to drag on forever. Elijah wasn't home, no one was. I was home alone with Rudy who was taking a nap on the cold floor next to my sitting figure which leaned on the door.

three minutes.

Holy shit. Two more minutes and I would see if I was going to be a mother. Something I had learned is that you cannot get a false positive so if it is positive, I will most definitely be a mother.

four minutes. one more to go, you got this.

"Y/n! We're back and have Mc Donald's!" Shit, Elijah's home. Everyone is. Oh no. Oh no no no.

five minutes. time to look.

I take a deep, shaky breath and hesitantly open my fist to reveal the test. I sit in shock, on the bathroom floor staring at the test. I smile as tears fall down my cheeks and I shakily stand up. I walk downstairs hiding the small trinket in my pocket and walk into the kitchen and see everyone.

"Why are you cryin'?" Ava asks, mouth filled with a cheeseburger. I smile even wider and pull out the test. I hear Ava choke on her food, as well as a few other people. I look to see Elijah's expression and see him standing there in shock, begging to cry.

"Holy shit... I-I'm gonna be a dad..." He whispers, the shock turning to a big bright smile. "I'm gonna be a dad!" he cheers jumping up and down. He rushes over to me and picks me up swinging me around and crying. Everyone else is cheering and congratulating us as Elijah puts me down. I am instantly enveloped in a ginormous group hug and continue to laugh and cry.

I'm gonna be a mom.

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