Chapter 26 ~ newly wed

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"dad? what the fuck?"

"hi sweetheart." he smiled and tried walking towards me but i stopped him. i walked off the platform earning a grunt from ava and stood in front of my father, glaring at him.

"you. you have no right to be here." i sneered. "you couldn't go see your own son in the hospital, let alone go to his own fucking funeral, yet you have the audacity to walk in here and pretend nothing happened. that you didn't leave mom, that you were never there for us." ava, samuel, and amy all quietly leave the room as i continue to bash my father for every bad thing he's done.

"i understand honey, i left i know. i'm sorry but i-"

"no! sorry doesn't cut it! you left us, you took all the money. sub had to take care of me at sixteen! you wanna know why? cause mom died, no, let me rephrase that; she killed herself, she killed herself because she couldn't handle the heartbreak you caused! i don't want to see you, not now, not ever. you, are dead to me." i was in tears. he stood there, emotionless. like he didn't care, not like he did. he nodded and looked up at me, guilt in his eyes.

"yes i left. i'm sorry dear, but i loved you all so much. i did see your brother, i went and saw him every time i could. i couldn't make the funeral, i was so busy at work that i missed my own sons funeral. there was no way in hell i was going to miss my little girl getting married though. i even heard my baby was pregnant. that baby is going to be gorgeous just like you. and i'm not going to miss it.

"sub and your mother would be so proud of the strong young woman you've become. i'm so sorry i wasn't there for you... please y/n y-you're my daughter, there has to be some way you could forgive me." he was now crying. like i was. he looked sorry, he looked like he wanted to take it all back and start over. i couldn't forgive him. not for everything he did. he was dead to me, but he was right. he is my father.

"i can't forgive you. i just can't. but, i can try, at least. besides, you're the only family i really have left." he sobbed and hugged me tightly. his body shaking as his face was plunged deep into my neck as he cried. i couldn't help but cry back and hug him as if my life depended on it. no one interrupted for a while i was in my fathers embrace. we eventually had to part so i could finish getting everything ready, he decided he'd go look around and try to find and talk to elijah.

~one hour till wedding~

i paced the floor as samuel tried scrambling for the hem of my dress.

"the flowers! there are flowers right?"

"you dumb fuck," ava muttered under her breath, "of course there are flowers! why wouldn't there be flowers, we checked already hun." ava tried her best to console me, but the anxiety was in the pit of my stomach falling out to me and scratching my throat, pulling itself up and into my head voiding my thoughts.

"there's an hour before the wedding! how are you not freaking out?" i sigh and attempt to take deep breathes, but the breathes come out ragged and harsh. "i can't do this, i can't." i sit on the sofa and shove my head into my hands.

"oh y/n, don't say that. also," she lifted my head and smiled, "you're gonna smudge your makeup if you do that." i laugh softly and let a tear slip out of frustration.

"i'm so scared, what if he doesn't feel the same? or, he runs out of the wedding, or he-"

"or he loves you too much to do all of that. elijah loves you a shit ton and there is zero need to be freaking out about this hun. trust me."

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