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*three months later*

"this kid doesn't want to get out." i growl. i was a week late on the birth. a whole fucking week.

"calm down y/n, you'll have the baby soon. what i don't understand is why you don't want to know the gender yet." ava said while taking a sip of her coffee.

i glared at her and shook my head, we've been over this, i don't want to know because i want it to be a surprise." i huffed our and patted my belly, it had substantially grown the past months and i was sick of it. constantly going to the bathroom, being hungry all the time.

"don't take this the wrong way, but y/n, maybe you should... i don't know... maybe try other things to get the baby out..." amy worriedly sipped her coffee cup as the words left her mouth. looked up at them, gaping at their suggestion.

"what do you mean 'other things'?"

"well, and don't quote me on this; you and elijah could have sex. it helps." i groan and stand up.

"ok, i'll try it. elijah may not be all for it though."

•    •    •

"elijah! i'm home!" i make my up the stairs and walk into our bedroom, throwing my stuff down onto the bed and laying down with a huff.

"hi sweetheart." i look up to see elijah, clad in just a towel and blush.

"put on a shirt dumby." i stammer as i try to look away. yes we are married, but damn can that boy make me flustered.

"what's wrong? don't like my impeccably large biceps?" he flexed his somewhat scrawny arms and smiled cockily. i scoffed and smiled.

"amy had a... suggestion on how to get the baby out." i try to this as casually as possible, but with how i said it, it was still awkward.

"oh? and what is this, "suggestion" she gave you." he folds his arms as he leans against the wall next to the bed.

i flush a deep red and sigh, "she said we could have sex."

"w-what?" i look to see him bright red and stuttering.

"she said it could help... move things along." i fidget with my shirt and whisper that last part.

"what if... what if i poke it...?" i choke on air and look at him.

"what?" i stifle back my laughter and bite my cheek to shut up.

"i said, what if i poke the baby, with my dick!" i don't hold back, and burst out laughing.

"oh my god, elijah! i don't think that's how it works!" i continue to laugh hysterically as i watch him get more and more flustered.

"whatever..." he mumbles and goes back to the bathroom. i get up giggling and wipe a fake year from my eye. it was worth a shot, i'd have to say.

i make my way downstairs and get a text from ethan,

。 。 。

the other one
going out for some food, you in?

yep, meet at front?

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