Chapter 19 - look at me please.

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Ethan has driven us to his parents, thank god they still had a spare bedroom. Ethan's parents were nice enough to let us stay for a while, at least until we figured things out.

"What exactly did you see?" Ethan asks as we sit down on the spare bed.

I glance over to him, eyes still red and swollen from the amount of crying I had been doing. "They were in bed together... Elijah was shirtless and and Amy's hair and makeup was messy. When I had walked in on them they got up instantly and started yelling and trying to stop me from running out... I don't want to go back to that house..." I broke down yet again, a sobbing mess, just sitting there absolutely broken.

My phone hasn't stopped going off since the moment we left the house. Buzzing constantly and beeping rapidly, most of it must have been from Elijah then Amy and then everyone else in the house. I let out a frustrated yell and threw the phone at the floor. Ethan sat next to me, his face unreadable from the amount of pain he must be in as well. I felt bad for him honestly he didn't deserve this to happen to him. He didn't do anything wrong.

"y/n... c'mon you have to at least hear their side of the story." I whip my head to the side so i was looking at him. What the hell did he mean by, 'hear their side of the story'?

"You mean, your not pissed at the fact your girlfriend just cheated on you with your own fucking brother?" I scream, and tears have taken over my face yet again. Ethan looks at me, sympathy washed over his face. He smiles at me, a weak smile but a smile, and gives me a hug.

"I am beyond upset that my girlfriend has cheated on me with my brother... but y/n, we need to talk things out with them. For all you and I know it could be a big misunderstanding." Yes, 'misunderstanding' is the word I would use to describe the love of my life with one of my best friends in bed. Yep, sorry guys, it was all just a misunderstanding. "Please y/n, we can't stay at my parents forever."

"Then you go back. You talk to them. I am not going back, and you can't make me."


"Y'know, when you said we were going out for ice cream, I trusted you. Now? I don't." After my little outburst in Ethan's old room i had stormed into Elijah's and found one of his old hoodies. I saw it, put it on, and cried. That's when Ethan told me, 'Hey, let's go out for ice cream! It'll cheer you up!' bullshit. He tricked me and here I am sitting in his vehicle with dairy queen and Elijah's hoodie on to go talk to my now ex boyfriend and ex best friend.

"I'm sorry y/n I really am, but hey, I got you ice cream!" He was way to happy considering his girlfriend had just screwed him over.

"I'm not talking to either of them. You can do all the talking while I sit in the back eating my dairy queen." I growl, glaring and Ethan. All I'm saying is, if looks could kill, he'd be dead.

"Alright fine. We're here by the way, you can stop glaring at me." I sigh and hop out of the car, slowly making my way up to the large house I didn't want to call home right now.

"Oh my god, y/n your ok." I'm engulfed in a hug by an all to familiar person. I push him off and glare at him making him step back and frown. "I'm so, so, so sorry y/n. What you saw was-"

"Save it Elijah. I don't want to hear 'it's not what it looks like' or 'We didn't do anything'. No, I'm not talking he is. You ask him questions not me. Got it?" I was short yes, but damn was I fucking scary pissed off. He nodded and I could see guilt and sympathy swimming around in his eyes, like olympic swimmers racing to see who would win.

"Let's go sit down in the living room ok? No one else is-is here right now so we have the place to ourselves." Amy says cowering behind Elijah, trying desperately to get out of my eye sight.

"From what I was told. Y/n says she saw you two in bed together, Elijah shirtless and Amy a mess. We both have reason to believe you cheated, and god do I pray and hope that that's not true." Ethan was tense, I was tense, everyone was tense. The tension was so thick it couldn't be cut with a knife.

"Amy and I had decided to play a prank on Ethan that we were 'cheating' and we thought we told everyone." Elijah takes a deep breath and continues, stealing a quick glance at me, "I had forgotten to tel y/n so instead of you walking in on us, y/n did... We didn't do anything at all. Ask everyone in the house we told them so they already knew it was fake." Elijah was gonna cry. It was very rare that Elijah cried, especially when I was around.

But what nagged at me in the back of my head was that he forgot about me. He forgot about me... "So you forgot?" I ask, head down and staring at the floor.

"What?" He questions looking at me. Tears fall for what seems like the tenth time today.

"You forgot to tell your own fucking girlfriend you were gonna fake cheat on her? I should've been the first person you told! Did that not go through your head?" I had finally looked up at him and Amy for what seemed like hours. I had my head down the whole time, I could only hear their voices. "How long? How long did you know about this stupid prank?" I cry out.

He looks down ashamed and looks back up to me. "Three weeks." He mutters. I stand there in complete shock. Three weeks? Three weeks and he managed to tell everyone but me? I look at Ethan who was hugging a crying Amy and then I look to Elijah who seemed like he had been hit with a stone wall. I hadn't noticed I started laughing. Well, chuckling at first, then laughing, then full out psycho bitch laughing.

"Wow, and here I thought that after what, ten ish months of dating, we'd tell each other these kinds of things right?" I wipe a fake tear and smile. "I'll see you guys later." With that I walk out the front door and walk over to my own car. I get in and sit there for a minute before there's a knock on my window. I look and see Elijah, awkwardly bent down and mustering a fake smile. I roll my eyes and unlock the car, watching him walk to the other side and getting in on the passenger side.

"Hi." He says.

"Hey." I whisper, not looking at him. He sighs and shifts onto his side to look at me better.

"Look at me please." He pleads. I turn my head towards him and study him. I was gone with Ethan for like four hours. In that time Elijah had red puffy eyes and a tear stained face, I probably looked almost identical. "I'm so sorry, I really am. y/n you have no idea how much you mean to me. I love you with all my heart, and if I ever lost you, well, I'd might as well just stop doing everything I do and wait for you. Honestly you are my everything and I can't imagine myself without you, I love you so damn much y/n Extabyte."

I couldn't do it. I couldn't stay mad at him. I get out of my car and walk over to his side as he was just getting out, I hug him. He hugs back without hesitating and after about a good two minutes, he puts to fingers under my chin and lifts my tear streaked face up to look at him. We both lean in and kiss, the kiss was full of passion, bliss, but a lot of lust. It wasn't really like any kiss we've had, sure we've made out but damn this one was better than those. "Let's take this inside, ya?" I say, breaking the kiss and biting my lip.

"Ya." Is his simple answer. He takes my hand and brings me inside, we pass Amy and Ethan who were on the couch watching a movie, and rush upstairs. I may be nineteen but I know what I want right now and what I want, was what Elijah was offering. I loved him and would take a bullet for him. This was a bullet I was gonna take just for him. We make it to our room and with no thinking twice, he's kissing me again with the same amount of bliss, passion and lust as the last one. The kiss gets heated and before I know it, our tops are off and I'm on our bed underneath of him.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asks. I nod and smile up at him.



~ hehe no naughty stuff right now guys they do that when your not reading, sorry! anyways hope you enjoyed and i'll update as soon as possible bye ily <3

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