ancient hammer

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You stood there motionless.

There was a hammer on your balcony. A hammer of unusual big size and made fully out of silver glowing iron.

Who the hell did dump his hammer on your balcony in the twelfth level of a skyscraper?

Who the hell did own a hammer of this size anyway?

And what the hell did this person use it for?

With your eyebrows raised in incredulity you searched for someone who could have lost this hammer but there was no one.

It was just like one of the stories you had read. Mysterious and somehow unreal. The hammer seemed to have popped up on your balcony without a visible source.

Maybe it was some gift or miracle. Someone wanted to give you something.

Not very likely, you were just a boring, weak, fearful mortal. Why should anyone give you something that beautiful?

You just didn't like being part of a story now which you definitely were. It had been better in your imagination. You could control the world there.

Here you didn't even know which genre your story was part of and you prayed to god that it was not a horror story. There had been enough fear in your life and you really didn't need any more of it.

With shaking hands you stepped closer and reached for the handle of the hammer. It seemed to be heavy and you were not sure if you would be able to lift it but you would at least try.

The wood felt soft under your fingers when you closed them around it. There was some kind of energy running through your body and you suddenly felt as if you were in the middle of an exam.

This was a test and you didn't know the answers to the questions asked. God damn it.

With a fast move you pulled at the handle and to your surprise you could lift it. It wasn't even as heavy as you had expected it. It was indeed rather light. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding.

Now you stood there on your balcony, the hammer in one of your hands, not knowing what to do.

It was a hammer after all but when you took a closer look you were convinced that this hammer was very precious. The owner would miss it soon and he would probably blame you for stealing it. That's how humans work.

You weren't sure if this hammer belonged to a human being at all, but what else should be there? In all the years during which you had desperately searched for a world that wasn't your own you did never find anything.

There were just this cruel, intimidating, dangerous humans and some other rather cute animals surrounding them but having no rights because the humans claimed all of them for themselves.

This had to be a real and you therefore had to do something. How did normal people react to such an incidence?

The best would be if you just threw the hammer off the balcony, you thought. But then there was the risk of hitting someone on the head with it. And if it lay there on the ground, someone would for sure take it and keep it for themselves.

No, throwing it from the balcony was not an option.

What about just leaving it on the balcony? Nothing seemed wrong with this but you just didn't want to do that. It didn't seem appropriate. What if it started to rain? This beautiful hammer would start to rust and would become ugly.

You decided to take the hammer with you, into your flat.

Back in your living room you placed the thing on your coffee table, sat down beside it and stared at it for some time.

A fear of thunder (Thor x reader)Where stories live. Discover now