You need someone

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You relaxed a bit, being sure that Thor really wouldn't hurt you and startled by his offer to help you.

The both of you stayed there in weird silence. He was directly looking at you, but he wasn't judging you. He just pitied you. You stood there, your gaze focused on your feet, not knowing what to do next but being sure that someone had to disturb the silence.

You weren't very practised when it came to interacting with human beings. It wasn't normal for you to be around anyone and you even tried to avoid your colleagues at work.

You still were sure that silence was not what should happen when two people stood in front of each other. The only reason you thought like this was this weird feeling in your guts that told you to hell of disturb the silence. You normally liked a quiet place.

"Ehm..." , you stumbled, just to stay something. Thor rose an eyebrow.

"Do you want to say anything, Lady...? Well, I did not ask for your name and as there seems to be nothing else to talk about I may as well ask you now. You know mine already. What is your name?" , he said with his awesome, dark voice.

You really appreciated him. If he hadn't been god of thunder, your personal nightmare, you would probably have taken him as your very first boyfriend. If he took the first step of course and he would only do this if he liked you as much as you appreciated him. Very unlikely.

You would die lonely because that was your destiny. You had been okay with this for years but now you suddenly disliked not dying beside this good looking and still sweet stranger.

If you had female or any other friends you'd probably talk to them about this man you met in your flat and how he had broken in and how handsome he was and how much you would appreciate having him as your boyfriend.

They would most likely roll their eyes at you and tell you to not take this man as your boyfriend but to call the police as fast as possible to stop him from breaking into people's houses because this is nothing you do.

You would smile and you would stick out your tongue stubbornly and still love your attractive intruder and...

You had gotten lost in thoughts and snapped back into reality when you noticed the expression on his face. He waited for something.

Had he asked a question?

Ah... yes... your name.

How embarrassing.

"(y/n) (l/n)" , you muttered, looking up at him again. His blue eyes sparkled.

"That is indeed a nice name,lady (y/n)" , stated Thor, smiling reassuringly. You smiled a weak smile back. What else were you meant to do? You couldn't recall on any other chats you had had and therefore you just hoped to not do anything wrong.

There was silence again for a while and you started to chew at your lips for you were nervous and uneasy and didn't know what to do about it.

"You live here alone?", asked Thor. He obviously had the better social skills of the two of you. He knew how to disturb this unpleasant silence.

"Uhm... yes, I live here alone" , you said, asking yourself why he asked something like this. Did he plan to kill you and wanted to assure that there wouldn't be anyone interrupting him while cutting your throat open?

Of course not! Dumb brain.

"Oh... You must be lonely then. Don't you have anyone who visits you sometimes or cares for you or worries about you?" , he continued his questioning.

A fear of thunder (Thor x reader)Where stories live. Discover now