a friendly break in

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You hesitated to get up. Could you be sure that it was Thor? Did you want to open the door, no matter who stood in front of it?

Dumb question. Of course not. Decision made.

You stayed on the ground, moveless and without making any kind of sound. Probably Thor continued to penetrate your door bell.

How could he know that the hammer was in your flat? He for sure couldn't. It could well be someone else who needed something important. The paramedics that desperately needed to find the way to a dying patient who had called them with the last energy he had left.

You're fantasy was a blooming thing but it now made you get up. You would open the door after all.

The person that stood in front of your door had given up the ringing thing and now kicked against your door and shouted. Probably thought your door bell to be broken.

You held the hammer tight, ready to knock someone out with it. Only hypothetical of course. You would lack the force and the willpower to really knock someone out. This hammer thing was only to reassure you.

You reached the door, the beating got louder and now you could understand what the person on the other side of the door said.

"Excuse me? Hello? Someone in there? I dropped something on your balcony and I need it back! Hello?"

A male voice, powerful, dark, gentle.

God damn it. It was Thor.

Bullshit, Thor didn't exist. It was the person that lost its hammer. Probably the person that lived in the apartment above yours. You didn't know about the people living in this house. You were a loner after all.

You peeked through the peephole.

Holy, this man had muscles. And a red cape and an ancient looking armour and a nice face and blue eyes and nice long blonde hair. If you had to imagine what Thor looked like you would have imagined him like this.

Idiocy. This was a fanatic cosplayer guy ready to rip his precious hammer out of your hand which he had probably build in years of work.

"Hello?" , yelled the man again.

"Yes?" , you yelled back. Through the closed door, just for your safety. The man did look strong enough to kick in your door if he felt like it.

"Oh, thank god, you are home. Could you please open the door? I think I dropped something on your balcony and I would love to get it back!" , he answered. His voice sounded so nice and warm.

"Are you a cosplayer or something?" , you asked instead of opening the door.

"Am I a what? A cosplayer? The hell is this? Look, I am Thor. Please open the door" , he yelled and you thought to hear him add a bit more quietly, "nice, this rhymed. I should become a poet."

Holy. This was Thor. You knew it.

Or someone who was mad and believed himself to be the mighty god of thunder.

"Any proof of you being the god of thunder?" , you demanded to know.

"Oh, you know about me. This makes it a lot easier. I dropped Mjölnir on your balcony and after this I fell down from there onto the next balcony, which did not feel too nice by the way, I instantly came to pick it up. I could summon some thunder and lightning to proof that I am Thor" , he suggest.

"Hell no!" , you cried out while opening the door a slight bit. Just enough for you to put your head through the small gap.

"Hello, Lady ... May I come in?" , he asked, already stepping forward. You pushed Mjölnir behind you so he couldn't see it.

A fear of thunder (Thor x reader)Where stories live. Discover now