magic moments

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The woman smiled at you, her eyes glowing.

"I'm sure I have never seen so much love between a pet and a stranger in a long time. I would probably have talked to you about how big the amount of responsibility is you have for a cat but now I'm quite sure that you will take good care of Opal.

"You definitely deserve each other and I'm sure you'll help each other" , she said, still smiling and you smiled back at her.

"Thank you" , you whispered with a rough voice. Opal had stopped licking your face and rubber her head against it instead.

"You wanna come with me?" , you asked the cat and it answered with a loud meow.

"I want to have the red one!" , said a voice behind you. Thor's voice.

"Ehm ... Thor ... we came to get a cat for me and not for you. I already made my decision, I'm sorry" , you said and felt strangely confident doing so, feeling the warm body of Opal pressed against you. Getting a cat was the best decision you had ever made in your life.

"Yes, I know... But two cats are always better than one, are they not?" , asked Thor, facing the woman working at the shelter. She giggled.

"Your boyfriend is right. Two cats are always better than one, especially because Opal is a indoor cat as she is blind. It would be too risky to let her out. So you should get her a little friend and your boy friend will be happy too" , said the woman, looking at you as if she exactly knew how you felt.

Thor. Your boyfriend. This wasn't what he was but you didn't feel like correcting the mistake. It sounded good when she talked about this good looking man as your boyfriend.

"Well, Thor, you don't live in my flat. Why should I get the cat you want?" , you asked, still petting Opal. You didn't look at Thor but his voice told you that he must look very stubborn right now.

"I will visit you everyday! I want to help you anyway I may as well move into your flat. Come on, Lady (y/n), do me the favour and get the red cat too. I will care for it, I promise. Please!" , he sounded like a little child and you couldn't suppress a smile.

"You will not move in with me but you shall still have your cat if you're so sure you need it" , you sighed, finally turning around to look at Thor.

His eyes were sparkling with triumph and happiness. He looked like a toddler that just had received an extra big scoop of ice cream. You grinned.

"Well, let's talk these things over. Did you already buy all the things you need for two cats? A cat tree and food and water bowls, toys and a brush and all the other things?" , asked the woman, gently pushing you away from Opal's cage and closing it carefully.

"Ehm..." , you muttered. The fear was back at once. You of course hadn't. What had you been thinking? Just walk into the shelter, pick a cat and leave again? How wrong you were.

"Oh, that's okay. I can recommend some shops with pet supplies. Let's just get the contracts ready and then you'll have enough time to turn your home into a nice cat residence" , she suggested and you just nodded.

You did what she said and you felt uncomfortable and weird, doing adult things. This was not normal and you definitely didn't enjoy it. But you pulled through and were very relieved when you finally left the shelter.

The vet would check on Opal and the red kitten Thor had chosen (it was a male cat and he named it Loki, after his brother) the next morning and then you'd be allowed to pick the both of them up.

As there was this rough plan you could only buy all the supplies today and so you were forced to go to a pet shop. The woman had handed you a note with five different addresses written on them and you chose the one nearest to your flat.

A fear of thunder (Thor x reader)Where stories live. Discover now